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公司竭诚欢迎仁人志士莅临合作,共谋发展!Welcome all the friends at home and abroad to our company to negotiate and cooperate.

黄河流经山西,孕育了无数英雄豪杰、仁人志士。Yellow River flows through Shanxi, giving birth to countless heroes and people with lofty ideals.

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河北天成企业集团诚邀广大仁人志士真诚合作,携手共创多赢共享的美好明天。Hebei Tiancheng Enterprise Group sincerely invites all friends to join us in order to create a better future.

实现工业化是近代无数仁人志士的美好愿望和理想追求。Realizing industrialization is latter-day the good will of countless people with lofty ideals and ideal pursuit.

而那所谓的仁人志士总匆匆闪过,他们听不到卑微的人们在哭泣,寒冬即将降临,准备着扼杀生灵。And the righteous hurry past, they don't hear the little ones crying and the winter is coming on fast, ready to kill.

在中国历史上,许多仁人志士都会先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。Many people with lofty ideals were inclined to show concern first and to enjoy themselves last in the long history of China.

有多少信念与理想,就有多少仁人志士在生活中奉行并实现它们。There are as many ideas and ideals as there are men of good will who will hold them in their minds and act them in their lives.

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改良之路行不通,仁人志士苦思焦虑地探索,寻找新的出路,尝试各种解决中国问题的方法。As they couldn't save China through reform, these patriots with high inspiration began to find a new path by trying various means.

古往今来,仁人志士们梦寐以思,舍身追求的理想社会皆是包蕴“社会和谐”与“均富共荣”之内涵的。Through the ages, all politician and the scholars dream the ideal society including "harmonious society" and " rich and honor altogether ".

我们热忱欢迎海内外家私界的仁人志士莅临指导,共享成果,携手发展。We enthusiastically welcome the people with lofty ideals at home and abroad furniture sector you guidance and share results, joint development.

古往今来,凡有所作为的仁人志士无不在青春时期就立下了远大志向,进行了不懈的努力,他们的青春因此而熠熠生辉。In the past, where do all the lofty ideals of youth in the period set on a lofty ambition, have made unremitting efforts, their youth and be shiny.

可以看到,“但愿苍生俱饱暖”这一无数仁人志士追求的理想,在新中国变成了现实!You can see the dream pursued by many people with lofty ideals to have everyone free of want of food and shelter is now a reality in the new China.

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我国近代以来,以法治取代人治成为无数仁人志士终身为之奋斗的目标。Viewing from China's modern history, the rule of law to replacing the rule of man has been the goal which numerous people with lofty ideals strive for.

也正是这些灿若群星的仁人志士和勤劳朴实的焦作人民,成就了焦作悠久的历史文化和灿烂的文明。It is also those numerous persons with lofty ideals and hard-working and unadorned Jiaozuo people that make long historical culture and splendid civilization.

诚信好客的清苑人民热情期盼各地仁人志士来清苑投资开发、设厂置业。Qingyuan integrity of the people of warm hospitality all over the people with lofty ideals to look forward to investing in the development of Qingyuan, set up home.

民族危机、人民苦难的不断加深,强烈激起无数仁人志士对国家命运、民族前途的思考和探索。The continuous increase of nation's crisis and people's suffering aroused strongly people with lofty ideals to think about and explore the nation's destiny and future.

那时的唐帝国是世界各国仁人志士心目中的“阳光地带”,各国的杰才俊士冒着生命危险也要往唐帝国跑。The Tang Empire was the world people with lofty ideals in mind is the "Sunshine Belt" Jie countries risk their lives to have talented people who ran to the Tang Empire.

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近代中国的仁人志士在救国的过程中最初引入了实证主义,随后实证主义以其确定的、有用的等特点逐渐被人们所接受。Modern Chinese people with lofty ideals first introduced positivism in the process of saving the nation. It is gradually accepted because of its positive and useful character.

公司总经理携全体员工深切感谢新老客户,热诚欢迎社会各界仁人志士前来联系合作、共展鸿图。The general manager together with all the employees extends the deep appreciation to the new and old customers with the sincere hope of cooperating and creating a bright future.

从近代到五四,中国形象始终是无数仁人志士在复兴中华民族过程中热衷于探讨和强调的一个问题。From the modern times to the May 4th Movement the image of China had been an issue ardently explored and emphasized by innumerable aspirants during the process of rejuvenating China.