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量器统一,童叟无欺,纠纷就少,民间一团和气。The same measuring apparatus made trades fair so that disputes became less.

圣诞节没有苦难,即使是士兵也反对打仗,人人都是一团和气。There is no adversity on Christmas day. Even the soldiers are adverse to fighting.

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以往类如眼下一团和气之时,发展“走向未来”关系的希望都最终化为泡影。For all the bonhomie now, past hopes for “future-oriented” relations have often been frustrated.

也好,早就应该撕破这样的一团和气了,吴冠中说得好,创新不能讲和谐。It is long overdue harmony and disregard such a tear, Wu says, innovation can not talk about harmony.

圣诞节没有苦难,即使是士兵也反对打仗,人人都是一团和气。There is no adversity on Christmas day. Even the soldiers are adverse to fighting.Everyone is affable.

你永远不知道他将以哪种形象出现,是一团和气的经理还是暴怒的瘾君子。You never know which person is going to show up – the nice, benevolent manager or the insane, angry hophead.

面对着这些政治纷扰,至少有一家公司打算采取一团和气的做法。In the face of these politically divisive issues, at least one marketer is trying to strike a feel-good note.

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奥巴马和布什决定演出一场善意秀,他们互相握手,表面看起来一团和气。Obama and Bush, determined to put on a show of goodwill, shook hands and gave all the appearance of bonhomie.

但我们的记者也谈到,双方在一团和气的表面下潜藏着紧张的关系,对此不要太过于乐观了。But there should be no illusions, our correspondent says, as superficial harmony inevitably masks significant underlying tensions.

和谐校园并非是一团和气,而是要实现“和而不同”的大境界。Harmonious campus does not mean being warm and fuzzy. However, it means harmony without sameness, and difference without conflict.

更不能认为平衡是一团和气、四平八稳、循序渐进、不要对抗、不要抗争。Moreover, we cannot just think that balance is harmony, stability, proceeding in an orderly and gradual way, no confrontation, and no conflict.

当科伦坡做到与对方一团和气,且对方也足够放松时,他就会不经意把问题转向自己真正想知道的信息。When the other person is sufficiently relaxed and Columbo has achieved good bonding, he slips in a question about what he really wants to know.