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这里我们应该用降调。Here we should use a falling tone.

这里我们该当用降调。Here we should use an fwisling tone.

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他说话总是用降调。He always speaks with a falling intonation.

如果在下面,它们就是降调They're called flats if they're down below.

降调是下降半音级,而升调是上升半个So, flats are below, sharps take you up a half step.

读特殊疑问句的时候用降调。We use the falling tone when we read special questions.

注意医生提的特殊疑问句都用降调。Notice the falling intonation of the doctor's Wh-questions.

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第三声由长降调和短升调组成。The third tone is a long low tone plus a short rising tone.

朗读下列句子。注意句尾降调。Listen and repeat the sentence below. Pay attention to the falling tone.

我们必须涉及这些黑色音符了,它们可以被称为升调或降调We've got to get into these black notes, which can be called sharps or flats.

听以下的先是升调然后是降调的句子。Listen to these sentences spoken first with rising and then with falling intonation.

在他说“人”一词时确有升调,而在说“人类”一词时用的却是降调。There is a rising pitch in the word "man" and a falling pitch when he says "mankind".

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我并没有实际意义上的改编这些歌,因为没有必要,我只是降调演唱,这很简单。I haven't actually changed them though, that's not necessary, I just sing them lowerJ its really quite simple.

从自动降调音乐软件到诸如dubstep的流行变种的使用,电子音乐看起来无处不在。From the use of Auto-Tuned pop music to such popular subgenres as dubstep, electronic music seems to be everywhere.

以下是经常用到的特殊疑问句,请跟读录音,并注意每个句子的降调。F2 Below are some common wh-questions. Listen to the recording ad then read the sentences aloud. Pay attention to their falling tones.

带有浓厚感情的句子叫感叹句。它表示快乐、惊讶、悲伤、愤怒、恐惧等浓厚的感情。一般用降调。With strong feelings call a sentence exclamatory sentence. It expressed happiness, surprise, sadness, anger, fear and strong feelings. Generally use the falling tone.