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如今,46岁的皮考斯基和54岁的特劳纳卷土重来。Now Pitkowsky, 46, and Trauner, 54, are back.

卷土重来,变形金刚和玩偶!Revenge Of The Fallen, Transformers And Doll!

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电视后来在我的生活中卷土重来。Eventually, TV reasserted itself into my life.

2015年高领毛衣突然卷土重来。Turtlenecks are having a sudden revival in 2015.

作为顽强的,屡败屡战的马利筋,它立刻就生发出更多的笋芽,妄图卷土重来。Being milkweed, it sent more shoots right back up.

现在它们卷土重来,准备要大显身手。Now they're back, and ready to reassert themselves.

上个周末,他们更换了名字,卷土重来。Then, last weekend, they regrouped under a new name.

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然而,索龙确实想到过卷土重来的计划。Thrawn did, though, have some sort of plan to return.

但还不能肯定马肉是否会卷土重来。No word yet on whether horsemeat will make a comeback.

也就是说,凡勃伦所谓的“炫耀性消费”卷土重来。Veblen's conspicuous consumers, in other words, are back.

卡普里裤正在卷土重来,也可以在这里找到。Capri pants are making a comeback and can also be found here.

凯博·伦被蒙·朱帕的部队逮捕,但他发誓会卷土重来。He was captured by Mon Julpa's forces, and Ren swore revenge.

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那些球队最有可能在下赛季卷土重来杀进季后赛?Which teams are most likely to pull off the feat next season?

他对屈丽娜的痛恨象卷土重来的浪潮,又回复了。His hatred of Trina came back upon him like a returning surge.

在1603年,黑死病又卷土重来并且夺去了三万八千伦敦人的性命。In 1603 the killer plague returned and killed 38, 000 Londoners.

我得腿伤好了以后就要卷土重来。After my leg heals, it will be nice to be back in the saddle again.

这一问题使得‘压缩空气储能’卷土重来。That problem has brought compressed-air energy storage roaring back.

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我们在过去已经做到过了卷土重来,而我们相信我们能够再一次做到它。We have made comebacks in the past and we believe we can do it again.

现在在我们头脑里只有锡耶纳,我们希望能尽快的卷土重来。Now we only have Siena on our minds, we hope to make an quick comeback.

微软是一个需要卷土重来的中年科技巨人。Microsoft is a middle-aged tech giant that needs to start its fightback.