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狗可怜巴巴地望着她。The dog looked up at her appealingly.

狗可怜巴巴地望着他。The dog looked up at her appealingly.

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“戴夫,我的思想要没了,”HAL可怜巴巴地说道。"Dave my mind is going" HAL says forlornly.

我觉得靠这点可怜巴巴的工资我还可以勉强度日。I guess I can squeeze by on this lousy salary.

“大概是五点钟,”德丽雅可怜巴巴的说。Five o'clock, I think, " said Dele , plaintively."

慈悲的天主,那位可怜巴巴坐在囚车里打我面前走过的王后!To that poor queen whom I saw pass in the tumbril!

那头看上去可怜巴巴的牦牛并没有完全输。That sorry looking Frozen Yak wasn't completely lost.

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“看啊,”他可怜巴巴地说,“这就是他们给我的。”"Look!" he quavered. "This is what they had ready for me."

请你不要用那样迷离的眼神可怜巴巴的看着我。Please do not use as blurred eyes of looked at me piteously.

而肌肉最强壮的人,手臂撑死也就只有可怜巴巴的260磅曲力。Even the beefiest humans max out at around an embarrassing 260 pounds.

我一把抓住他的手臂,拼命摇着,不让他敲打可怜巴巴、忠心耿耿的脑袋瓜。I caught his arm as he was raising it to batter his poor devoted head, and shook it violently.

狮子生气地站起来,抓住他准备吃掉,小老鼠可怜巴巴的恳求。Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated.

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到大橡树下,你会发现已经可怜巴巴、半死不活的木偶直挺挺躺在草地上。On reaching the oak tree, you will find a poor, half-dead Marionette stretched out on the grass.

小老头这时在他那端盘腿坐着,面前放着一罐沙丁鱼作他那可怜巴巴的一餐。The little bum was sitting crosslegged at his end before a pitiful repast of one can of sardines.

最后,我估计他是觉得我的面红耳赤和可怜巴巴的絮叨是如此可怕,于是反过来开始同情我。In the end, I think he found my beetroot face and pathetic jabbering so dreadful he felt sorry for me.

最后,我估计他是觉得我的面红耳赤和可怜巴巴的絮叨是如此可怕,于是反过来开始同情我。In the end, I think he found my beetroot face and pathetic jabbering so dreadful he felt sorry for me.

现在就剩下他们可怜巴巴的三个人,被连续的雨雪困在家里,无事可做,也没有什么新鲜事可企盼。They were now a miserable trio, confined within doors by a series of rain and snow, with nothing to do and no variety to hope for.

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如果他想吃一片狗饼干,就会可怜巴巴地坐在餐厅的桌子跟前,饿着肚子等着你给他饼干吃,有时候甚至等得饥肠辘辘也不放弃。If he wants a dog biscuit, he will sit at the foot of the dining room table and look sad, hungry–even starving -until you supply him.

至今她已经我们一起生活了四个月,她经常跟着我在屋子里转,带着她的那双我从未妄图找到的迷人的可怜巴巴的双眼。With us for four months now, she has been following me around the house with needy eyes that I never would have expected to find so engaging.

因为怕露出烧坏了的衣幅,她不敢四处走动去寻找乐趣,只能可怜巴巴地站在那里盯着别人看。She could not roam about and amuse herself, for the burnt breadth would show, so she stared at people rather forlornly till the dancing began.