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今儿不会了,相信我。I won't today. Believe me.

你今儿啥时候最难受?What time of day is hardest for you?

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小虎哥,今儿怎么有空到我们这来啊!Small happy today, how come and see us here!

顺便问一下,今儿怎么停电了啊?By the way, why is there no electricity today?

有时候他让她帮他穿戴,但看起来今儿并无此打算。Some days he let her do that for him but not today it seemed.

今儿是蔬菜、水果和坚果王国希望跟你们说话。It is the Vegetable Fruit Nut Kingdoms that wish to speak today.

这是他今儿一成天的饮食,他知道该当把它喝了。It was all he would have allday and he knew that he should take it.

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今儿一早就有人在QQ群里说“郁闷”。Someone says in QQ group that " gloomy " early in the morning today.

“我知道你告诉我了啊,”他回答,“昨天我带它去动物园了,今儿我要带它去电影院。”Yesterday I took him to the zoo. Today I'm taking him to the movies.

今儿个我在课堂上举手来的,就是忘了今儿我没刮胡子就来上学来了。我靠!Today, I put my hand up in class. I forgot that I hadn't shaved. FML.

凌霄你就让他吃吧,就今儿一天没事。Soar to the skies you to make him eat, Be always right fall butn a day now.

再说啦,我压根儿就没他妈的想告诉你我活到今儿的整个故事或者其他什么事儿。Besides, I'm not going to tell you my whole goddam autobiography or anything.

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今儿早晨出来的时候站长把我那盒烟屁还我了——给你!The Tramp Major give me back my box of fag ends when we come out this morning.

她今儿早上那副样子我才永远忘不了呢,简直象个疯子。I shall never forget her appearance this morning. She really looked almost wild.

“我会做得更好的”,我回敬她。“今儿晚上我就什么也不吃了。”"I'll do better than that. " I retorted. "I'll eat nothing for finner tonight. "

寄生虫的问题在利莫里亚历史上不象今儿这样严峻。Problems with parasites did not exist in Lemurian history to the degree that they do today.

今儿在福德群岛我们正在和对此有着更深理解的人们学习更多的东西。Here in the Fiordlands, we are learning a lot and with people who know it better than anyone else.

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心有不甘的,就暗自想着全当刘备请孔明了了,今儿下午再走一遭。The heart has unwilling, secretly thinking when Liu Bei asked Kong Ming the, this afternoon was a.

我发现今儿这备忘录几乎说的都是美国的事情,这主要是因为我跟美国客户在一起待了三天。I realize this is a very U.S.-centric message but that’s because I spent three days with U.S. customers.

比方说,今儿早晨,有个家伙来买盒子,要运他的木制品。Just this morning, for example, I met with a fellow who needs some boxes to ship his woodworking products.