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我只是个与世无争的年轻人。I am just a weltfremd, unworldly, young man.

他这种与世无争的态度更增加了他的威望。This retiring attitude enhanced his prestige.

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白天与世无争,晚上无梦而眠。A day without dispute brings sleep without dreams.

塔尔兹人只是希望在他们的星球过与世无争的生活。All the Talz wanted was to be left alone on their world.

与世无争地捆绑在一起,分享精神与思想。Bound together in some unworldly way, sharing a spirit or so the like.

后来开始隐居过着与世无争的平静生活。Then began a quiet life of seclusion stand aloof from worldly success.

与世无争,遇事淡定,人就那么回事,何必呢!Aloof, failing to calm and collected, and they then going on, so why bother!

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让疲惫一整天的你体验与世无争细微充实的乐居生活!Let exhaustion of you experience all day in the full subtle truly happy life!

那些与世无争的人们,居住在偏运小镇,皓首穷经于真理的追求。Truth is in labor in a town that is only inhabited by beings of the highest purity.

在漫长的岁月里,人们过着与世无争的平静生活。For a long long time, people there led a peaceful life and stood aloof from worldly affairs.

美得让人想哭,静静的,它就那么千百年地呆在那里,与世无争,享受自己的宁静!Quietly, it stays there for almost 1000 year without disturbing and enjoy its own quietness.

位在亚维农,这间与世无争的修道院被评为拥有最佳歌手的葛利果圣诗歌咏班。Based near Avignon, the reclusive order was judged to have the finest singers of Gregorian chants.

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也许,是身上散发出来的凉薄和与世无争造就了她自身无与伦比的魅力。Maybe, it radiates cold thin and stand aloof from worldly success made her own incomparable charm.

他们沉默好静,与世无争,对任何事情均兴味索然。They are silent very static, stand aloof from the worldly affairs, to everything all uninterested.

海,是平凡的,是普通的,但海又是那么富有气魄,有着一种神韵而又有着与世无争的感觉。The sea is ordinary, is ordinary, but the sea is so full of spirit, with a charm and an aloof feeling.

在漫长的岁月里,人们过着与世无争的平静生活。During the long years, people of the village have lived a peaceful life and stood aloof from worldly strife.

戏中张学友饰演一名与世无争的电器店少东,性格心地善良但胸无大志。Drama Jacky Cheung plays a little aloof from the electrical shop east kind-hearted personality but ambitions.

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你的生活达到了一种宁静的境界,淡泊名利、与世无争。You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenityindifferent to fame or wealth.

一种近乎手写的字体将会传达出一个公司的人文导向、与世无争、低调前行的形象。A typeface that seems almost hand written will convey a company's people-oriented, unthreatening, low-key identity.

他们知道这个托钵僧是一个老老实实、与世无争的人,是一个自己心中从不想伤害别人而且认为别人也跟他-'样没有恶意的人。They knew the Dervise to be an honest, inoffensive man, and one who thought of no more harm in others than he had in himself.