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这滋味儿大好。It tastes very good.

五年大好时光了。Five wonderful years.

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你是一个大好人吗?Are you a good person?

事实上,LBS已经取得了大好形势。In fact, it already is.

形势一派大好。The situation is excellent.

要珍惜大好时光。You should treasure good times.

她把大好时光都花在衣服上了。She squanders fine time on clothes.

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当然可以。这搭有一根大好的金项链。Sure. Here is a nice gold necklace.

现在正是我们的大好时机。We have a real opportunity right now.

而生日就是这种调节的大好时机。Birthdays are great times for tune-ups.

刘广逊利用一个大好时机开发了一个好点子。But Liu had a good idea at a great time.

不论你作什麽,切不要把这个大好信息据为己有!Whatever you do, don't keep it to yourself!

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而此时不正是成为女喜剧演员的大好时机吗?Isn't this a great time to be a female comic?

每天早晨都是激励自己的大好时光!Every morning is a big time for screwing us up.

大好人越夸越好,坏人越夸越糟。praise makes good men better, and bad men worse.

这个产物的质量大好的,是赤金建造。The quality is very good. It's made of pure gold.

他是一个大好人,一个很好的银行家。He was a mighty good man and a mighty good banker!

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她住在加利福尼亚,天气大好。She lives in California. The weather was beautiful.

他在狱中度过了他的大好年华。He had consumed the best years of his life in prison.

大好年纪的小伙束缚到一个四十五岁的女人身边。A young fellow that age tied to a woman of forty-five.