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他纵火烧了自己的房子。Of or involving arson.

他纵火烧了那栋建筑。He set the building on fire.

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他纵火烧了自己的房子。He set fire to his own house.

所有证据表明是纵火.All the evidence points to arson.

有人纵火烧房子。Someone is setting fire to a house.

学校被人纵火烧毁了。The school was burnt down by vandals.

他被指控纵火烧仓库。He was charged with torching a storehouse.

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你为了掩盖谋杀纵火烧了他的住处?You arsoned his place to cover up the murder?

以假旗帜航海,纵火,绑票。Sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping.

卫星卡车遇袭并被纵火。Satellite trucks were attacked and set on fire.

他坚持说没有纵火烧教堂。He claimed that he didnt set fire to the church.

警方正在调查两起纵火案。The police are investigating two cases of arson.

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奥勒面临纵火和谋杀指控。Oyler ? faces arson and murder charges in the blaze.

澳大利亚发生森林纵火案。The was a arson happened in the forest of Australia.

索尼公司位于埃菲尔德的一个大型配送中心被纵火焚烧。In Enfield, a large Sony distribution center was torched.

纵火案比以前增多,嫌疑人竟然就是房屋业主。Arson becomes more frequent, and the owners are suspected.

一位评论家称为总统的“纵火狂消防队员”。One commentator called the president a "pyromaniac fireman".

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已有四名消防员以身殉职,政府官员称这是一场纵火案。Four firefighters have died already and officials say it is arson.

大量的事实表明,这是一起罪恶的杀戮,罪恶的纵火,罪恶的抢劫。Facts have proved that this is an evil crime of murder, arson and robbery.

他们又纵火焚烧了你的圣殿,把你圣名的居所亵渎于地面。They defiled your sanctuary and set aflame the dwelling place of your name.