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他顽强地、步履艰难地走着,一直走回了公寓。He trudged doggedly on until he reached the flat.

那老人步履艰难地走着,双脚几乎都提不起来。The old man plods along, hardly able to lift each foot.

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期限的最后一天,当我还是这样抱着她时候,我步履艰难。On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step.

我原以为中国队会在美国和巴西两强队的夹击下而步履艰难。I expect them to be hanging tough with the Brazilians and the Americans.

一队难民步履艰难地爬上山谷向着边境走去。There was a stream of refugees trudging up the valley towards the border.

那些战士们在人迹罕至的深雪中步履艰难地走了好几公里。The soldier trudged several kilometres or so through the deep untrodden snow.

在爱尔兰有个穷人,扛著一大袋马铃薯,步履艰难地回家去。A poor man in Ireland was plodding along toward home, carrying a huge bag of potatoes.

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但在有迹象显示经济复苏步履艰难之际,有人怀疑这波涨势是否合理.But there are doubts the run-up is warranted amid signs of a difficult economic recovery.

而当他昂首挺胸漫步在舞台上,几乎看不出步履艰难及传说中的可怜相。But as he struts and sashays across the stage he's hardly the hobbling, pathetic figure of lore.

达成全球协议方面的步履艰难与欧洲正在发生的情况形成鲜明的对比。The glacial pace of progress towards a global agreement contrasts with what is happening in Europe.

冬季圣彼得堡街头,步履艰难的老太太,胸前依然挂着卫国战争获得的勋章。Granny, veteran, awarded with medals during the World War 2 finds her way thru winter St. Petersburg.

瑞典哈拉市外的驯鹿在冬季牧地上步履艰难地穿过深深的雪地而找到它们的食物。The reindeer trudge through deep snow to find food in their winter grazing grounds outside Harrå, Sweden.

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这是正确的,即使在德国,由于其出口市场步履艰难,国内需求无法收拾残局。That is true even in Germany, as its export markets falter and domestic demand fails to take up the slack.

马利基政府及其幕僚努力把自己营造成一个强硬人物,却在最近的大轰炸中步履艰难。Al-Maliki's effort to portray himself as a new strongman was floundering even before the recent spate of bombings.

在多伦多市区范围以北两英里多的一个工业区,我步履艰难地在小腿高的杂草中穿行。I was trudging through calf-high grass in an industrial zone just a couple of miles north of Toronto's city limits.

人们在街上蹒跚而行,神情呆滞,步履艰难,像是地震后的幸存者。The people stumbled through the streets like the survivors of an earthquake, with glazed expressions and awkward gait.

然而,在新旧体制转换过程中,我国企业集团的现实状况,仍可谓是困难重重、步履艰难。But in process of old system replaced by new system, enterprise groups have yet many difficulties under existing conditions.

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但是,在巴尔干半岛国家及高加索和中亚地区以及非洲,这个过程步履艰难。But in the Balkans, as well as parts of the Caucasus, Central Asia, and also Africa, the process was fraught with difficulty.

地市级电视媒体由于频道资源短缺、内容经营资金匮乏,品牌建设步履艰难。The city television medias have not enough channel resource and operating funds, and it is very hard for them to build brand.

然而,每一次我想要实现这个愿望时,我总是在关键的时刻犹豫不决,步履艰难。However, each time when it comes to the fulfillment, I become so uneasy that I literally stagger away-back out at the critical moment.