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又或者你的性格坚如磐石,永不改变。Or you’re rock solid, no change ever happening.

在联盟里,他非常稳定,坚如磐石。He's been such a stable guy in the league, like a rock.

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因为虽然黑人对他的支持坚如磐石,但白人对他的支持却很软弱。For while his black support is rock solid, his white support is soft.

是什么把眼前这个坚如磐石的女人哭成了泪人?What turns a stone-hard woman into the blubbering mess I see before me?

中国各族人民之间的团结坚如磐石。The solidarity among China's various nationalities is as firm as a rock.

这需要坚如磐石的可靠性和持续不断的性能提升才能达到。This means rock solid reliability and continued performance improvements.

坚如磐石地守候一份不变的情感。I am hard to stay and wait a constant emotion such as the huge rock ground.

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中巴关系坚如磐石,历久弥新。China-Pakistan relations are as firm as a rock and have withstood the tests of time.

我的体重下降到只有65磅,但我的信念却坚如磐石。My body had withered away to a mere 65 pounds but my faith and will were rock solid.

中巴关系坚如磐石,历久弥新。China-Pakistan relationship is strong and solid, like a rock standing firm despite the passage of time.

所有的7位运动员都有强烈的决心,坚如磐石的自信,最清晰的目标。All 7 athletes had fierce determination, rock solid self-confidence and razor sharp focus on their goals.

我试图用我双腿完好的事实来安慰自己,它们曾经有过不适,但现在感觉坚如磐石。I tried to take comfort from the fact that my leg, which had been giving me problems, now felt rock solid.

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奥巴马团队先前对该地区充满信心,这种理想主义很快就被坚如磐石的现实撞得头破血流。The ambitious regional idealism of the Obama team's early days soon shattered against rock-hard realities.

如果你对IT服务交付的处理坚如磐石般的牢靠,你自然就是一支不可忽视的力量。And if you have a rock-solid handle on the business of IT service delivery you are a force to be reckoned with.

不管何时,只要谈起这对老夫妇,Rich都会提及他们坚如磐石般的信心以及他们如何每日生活中活出来。Whenever he talks about the elderly couple, he mentions their rock-solid faith and how they lived it day after day.

砚却随意被摆在角落,任凭上水迢迢,颠沛流离,磨砺一颗坚如磐石的心。Yan has been placed at random in a corner, left to Sheung Shui, far away, displaced, and refined a rock-solid heart.

我知道你需要一个坚如磐石的保证,告诉你你一定会成功,但事实是,这种事是不存在的。I know you want a rock-solid guarantee that will tell you that you will be successful, but in reality, no such thing exists.

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这个来自格拉尼特城的男人坚如磐石,在比赛中没有任何前锋会想和“暴徒”叶芝纠缠在一起。The big man from the Granite City was as solid as a rock and not many opposing centre-forwards deemed it wise to mess with him.

并与队友大和坚硬的1件式铝制框架,席卷处理和坚如磐石的6点驱动列车,你会觉得每一个演员的权力。And with Team Daiwa's rigid 1-piece aluminum frame, swept handle and rock-solid 6-point drive train, you'll feel the power on every cast.

这种新的折叠池塘壳牌的所有优点,它的黑色预制的前任,但无论是池塘和小溪样子坚如磐石。This new folding pond shell has all the benefits of its black preformed predecessor , but both the pond and the streamlet look like rock.