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但是不管怎样,他既然说是有关爱情的,那就算是爱情的吧。Anyhow. About love.

我觉得这一定与钱有关。I snuffed the money.

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和唐人街有关的?Related to Chinatown?

你在书里讨论的有关“食物催眠”究竟是什么?What is a food trance?

这些全都有关,小伙子。It's all relative chap.

询问有关乐队成员的事。Inquire about bandmates.

他写了一本有关音乐的书。He wrote a book on music.

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她的工作跟招聘人才有关。She works in recruitment.

即便如此,我们仍缺乏有关细节。Even so, we lack specifics.

它有关认知价值。It’s about perceived value.

反抗与控制有关。Rebellion is about control.

请告诉我有关你的一切。Tell me all about yourself.

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这是一个与名气有关的故事。This is a story about fame.

这是一本有关光荣的历史的书。He wrote a history of honor.

我们都与之有关。We're all connected to this.

耳聋是有关耳聋的一些问题。And the issues with deafness.

他所写的报道与罪行有关。His story bears on the crime.

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小舌的,和小舌有关的。Of or relating to the tongue.

你的问题和哪个网页或URL有关?What page or URL were you on?

热容是与路径有关的。Heat capacity depends on path.