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她十岁就失学了。She was deprived of schooling at ten.

数百万儿童仍然失学。Millions of children are still unschooled.

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这个基金会致力于帮助失学儿童。This Foundation engages in helping the drop-outs.

他父亲的归天使他不患上不失学。He was made to leave school by his father's death.

现今,在农村地区还有良多孩子失学。Now in the rural areas, there are many children out of school.

许多贫困的农村,失学率很高,尤其是女孩。Many rural poverty, the high rate of school drop-outs, especially girls.

这当中有三分之二为女性,而且还有将近八千万孩童失学。Two-thirds of them are women, and nearly 80 million children are out of school.

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我们要通过推行义务教育来不断降低失学率。We should decrease the drop-out rate at school by promoting compulsory education.

我们希望在同一片蓝天下,没有孩子再因为贫穷而失学。We hope that under the same blue sky no children drop out of school because of poverty.

“春蕾计划”1994年和1995年两年共资助10万名失学女童重返校园。In total, the Spring Buds Program helped 100,000 girls return to school in 1994 and 1995.

例如,巴尔的摩在处理失学儿童问题时采取零容忍的政策。Baltimore, for example, has adopted a zero-tolerance policy in dealing with kids who miss school.

近年来,上海城市社区失学无业青年的人数不断增加,其所存在的问题日益增多和复杂。These years, the number of unemployed youth is increasing, and the problems of them are more and more complex.

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“没人会关心我,因为我已经失学好长时间了。你知道,我人不大,但心很野,”他说。"I was lost, 'cause I had been out of school for so long. You know, I was young and had a crazy mind," he says.

她说,“把罚款通知单寄到相关家庭是政府的最后的手段,目的是让你明白让你的孩子失学是非法的事。”"That may be a last resort, to really send that message home. It is illegal to keep your child out of school," she says.

大批儿童失学、文盲大量产生,已经成为严重的社会问题。Large number of children stay out of school, and more and more illiterates have appeared, which have become a serious social problem.

Duncan先生说,一些人估计,超过十分之一的高中女生身体被迫发生性行为或失学。Mr. Duncan said that by some estimates, more than one in ten high school girls are physically forced to have sex in or out of school.

例如,普及教育的倡仪将使我们能够通过共同努力让1700万失学儿童有生以来第一次走进校门。The Education for All Initiative, for example, would enable us to work together to enroll some 17 million children in school for the first time.

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到2008年底,据估计将会有60个国家获得FTI批准,为7000万失学儿童提供上学的机会。By the end of 2008, an estimated 60 countries could be FTI-endorsed, enhancing opportunities for 70 million out of school children to go to school.

在周二的新闻发布会上,北京市教育委员会承诺不让任何一名随迁子女因学校拆迁而失学。At a press conference Tuesday, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission vowed that no student would go without an education, despite the closures.

农村教育是我国教育的重点和难点,然而当前我国农村教育中失学问题严重。The rural education is an importance and difficulty of Chinese education. At present the problem of quitting school is becoming increasingly serious.