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我毫不在乎。Not a brass farthing.

我不喜欢他那毫不在乎的态度。I don't like his devil-may-care attitude.

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对于人们怎么想,他毫不在乎。He doesn't care two hoots what people think.

我知道,有时我们表现得自己对某事毫不在乎。I know, sometimes we act like we don’t care.

但朱厄尔先生对爷爷的生气毫不在乎。But Grandfather's anger meant nothing to Mister Jewel.

是否用了麻药,冬彦毫不在乎。Whether used anesthetic, the winter Yan cared nothing about.

自己把她看成自己最好地伴侣,可是她却毫不在乎。I considered she as my best firend, but she is not care a bit.

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即使他们撤离苹果这个平台,苹果也似乎毫不在乎。And even if they withdraw from its platform, Apple seems not to care.

勇敢的士兵尽忠职守,对危险和困苦毫不在乎。The brave soldiers did their duty, careless of dangers and discomforts.

他就是一个别人怎么想他毫不在乎的那种人。He is a sort of person who doesn't care two hoots what other people think.

这会被解读为我们公然宣称毫不在乎员工培养。That would be interpreted as us saying we don't care about developing people.

铁姑娘队的队员挑百斤重的担子毫不在乎。It's nothing for a member of the Iron Girls' Team to shoulder a load of 100 jin.

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大多数军兵都为那只可怜的海豹感到难过,但是也有些人毫不在乎。Most of the soldiers felt sorry for that poor seal, but some of them didn't care.

杰克森对此毫不在乎甚至把驴子当作个人象征。It was a moniker Jackson didn't mind one bit and he kept the donkey as his personal totem.

或许您不信,但这种情况确实存在,而且对“春光外泄”毫不在乎的,竟然都是姑娘们。Perhaps you do not believe it, but this does exist and the "corner" without cares about, it is girls.

“对初生婴儿过量的毫不在乎的辐射,”Sclafani医生说,又接着说,“这些可怜的毫无防护能力的婴儿。”“Full, unabashed, total irradiation of a neonate,” Dr. Sclafani said, adding, “This poor, defenseless baby.

“对初生婴儿过量的毫不在乎的辐射,”Sclafani医生说,又接着说,“这些可怜的毫无防护能力的婴儿。”“Full, unabashed, total irradiation of a neonate, ” Dr. Sclafani said, adding, “This poor, defenseless baby.”

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很多人把履行合同看成是大型游戏和竞赛的一部分,而对于法律实施的概念毫不在乎。Many take on contracts as part of grand games and contests, caring nothing for the concept of law enforcement.

当你能够做到对伤害你的人毫不在乎,那么你才能真正地解脱去获得真正的幸福。When you're indifferent to the person who hurt you, you will truly be free and on your way to genuine happiness.

比如,他常常把瑞比的胡萝卜园弄得乱七八糟并毫不在乎。He is always distracted, and has no conscience. For example, he messes up Rabbit's garden and could not care less.