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他把毡帽打了个草样。He blocked out the felt hat.

有一个灵活的宽边的软毡帽。A soft felt hat with a wide flexible brim.

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她身披一件深兰色的斗篷,头戴一顶软毡帽。She was wearing a dark blue cape and a soft felt hat.

头戴草毡帽的工人像鸭子一样淌过河水。Workers in straw hats waded through the water as fluffy ducks paddled by.

从车上下来一位身穿黑色上衣,头戴毡帽的矮个男子。A short man in a black coat and a black felt hat stepped down from the car.

在萨丁附近的村落里,带着土耳其毡帽和祈祷帽的男人们正在喝着咖啡休憩。Men in fezzes and prayer caps take a coffee break in a village near Xanthi.

杭堡帽一种男人戴的毡帽,顶部软而凹进,帽沿浅并微卷。A man's felt hat having a soft, dented crown and a shallow, slightly rolled brim.

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尝试着戴一顶斯泰森毡帽或者男式软呢帽,然后看看你得到了什么样的反响。For fun try wearing a Stetson or fedora, then watch to see what kind of reaction you get.

要想看上去有波西米亚风格,你可以像妮基·瑞德一样,穿长裙和宽松的棉质上衣,配上牛仔毡帽。For a bohemian look, channel Nikki Reed and don a cowboy trilby with a maxi skirt and loose cotton blouse.

他留着花白的杂草丛生的胡须,头发看起来也乱糟糟的未加梳理,戴着顶奶油色的毡帽。The star sported a greying overgrown beard with his hair looking scruffy and unkempt under a cream trilby hat.

他留着花白的杂草丛生的胡须,头发看起来也乱糟糟的未加梳理,戴着顶奶油色的毡帽。The star sported a greying overgrown beard with his hair looking scruffy and unkempt under a cream trilby hat.

一种大草帽或毡帽,有宽帽檐、高帽顶,尤其为墨西哥及美国西南部地区人们佩戴。A large straw or felt hat with a broad brim and tall crown, worn especially in Mexico and the American southwest.

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一种由穆斯林教的男子所戴的没有帽檐的、通常为红色的毡帽,上面饰有流苏,它可以单戴也可以戴在包头巾下面。A brimless, usually red felt cap with a silk tassel, worn by Moslem men, either by itself or as the base of a turban.

如果你到诺苏彝人居住的村子里转悠一圈,或许你会遇见头戴蘑菇状黑毡帽的毕摩。If you spend any time around Nuosu villages, eventually you will see one of the bimos, wearing a toadstool-shaped hat of black felt.

我在慕尼黑的一个教堂看见他,严重秃顶,身穿灰色大衣,手拿一顶褐色毡帽。It was in a church in Munich that I saw him, a balding heavy-set man in a gray overcoat, a brown felt hat clutched between his hands.

在我所触摸过的毡子中,我从未触摸过一块如此舒适的毡子,直至我试过这顶毡帽为止。Of all the felt I ever felt, I never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that felt felt, when first I felt that felt hat's felt.

其他的人多少有点衣着邋遢、头上还戴着顶又高又尖的圆锥毡帽,一看就让人想起英联邦的时代。The others were more or less loosely clad, and wore upon their heads tall felt cones that were suggestive of the days of the Commonwealth.

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我能感觉到他年近花甲时神气活现、头呆毡帽、洁白的牙齿之间叼根香烟的样子——那个时候他的牙齿仍然完好无损——汗珠挂在前额上。I can see him with his felt hat cocked in the manner of the late fifties, a cigarette between his white teeth—which were still his own then—beads of sweat on his forehead.

男俑高29.8厘米,头戴一尖顶有护边的帽子,与绍兴乌毡帽有类似之处,左手持剑,右手握盾,神情泰然自若、憨厚安详。The male stands at 29.8 cm, wearing a top hat which assembles the dark felt hat in Shaoxing, holding a sword in left hand and a shield in right hand and featuring composure and peace.

比如我的婶婶,那天正好走在街上的婶婶,穿着琼·克劳馥式裙子,戴着缀有黑羽毛的、滑稽的毡帽,一只手里是表弟托奇,一只手里是宝宝弗兰克。Like my aunt who happened to be walking down the street one day in her Joan Crawford dress, in her funny felt hat with the black feather, cousin Totchy in one hand, baby Frank in the other.