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他无动于衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油。His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.

她那些不得体的话简直是火上加油。Her tactless remarks just added fuel to the fire.

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我怕这么做只会火上加油。Im afraid the move will only add fuel to the fire.

特德的取笑如火上加油,使他愈加恼怒。And Ted added fuel to the flame by laughing at him.

欧打一个在哭的小孩,只会火上加油罢了。To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the flame.

而燃料价格的攀升,对通货膨胀更是火上加油。Hikes in fuel prices have led to a further spike in inflation.

有些人担心大众的偏见会继续蔓延,给移民限制火上加油。Some fear popular prejudice is growing, and fuelling the crackdown.

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鲍勃正生特得的气,而特得还火上加油取笑他。Bob was angry with Ted and Ted added fuel to the flame by laughing at him.

殴打一个在哭的小孩,只会火上加油罢了。天之骄子。Add fuel to the flame e. G. To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the flame.

陆军和海军两倍、三倍地扩充规模,更是火上加油。This was compounded by the doubling and redoubling in the size of armies and navies.

许多所谓的基督徒的恶行为这迫害火上加油。IV. The scandalous conduct of so-called Christians provided fuels for our persecutors.

像“总是”“从来”“每次”这类的字,在争执的时候就是火上加油。The words always, never, or every time, work like gasoline on the fire of an argument.

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管理不当、极端穷困以及政治派别对立持续为冲突火上加油。Bad governance, extreme poverty and lingering political rivalries continue to fuel the conflict, he says.

此外他还遇到一件意外的喜事,火上加油,他的眼睛更加瞎了。And then, an unexpected bliss had happened to him, oil on the fire,a redoubling of the shadows over his eyes.

非典的爆发促使人们改变他们以前那种不健康的习惯和风俗,因为坏习惯如同火上加油。The outbreak of SARS urges people to change their unhealthy habits or customs, which may add fuel to the fire.

卡梅伦首相说,欧洲政治动荡之际,英国不应该在这个时候火上加油。The prime minister said with Europe in turmoil, now is not the time for Britain to be stirring even more trouble.

这种愚蠢的行为——使得事情越来越糟——就是我们所说的“火上加油”。That kind of stupid action-making something worse that is already bad-is what we refer to as "adding fuel to the fire."

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可那些无知的暴徒却火上加油,一步步进逼,做出杀人放火的伤天害理的事情。Ignorant thugs who may have added fuel to the flames, a steady closing, set fire to the murder victims injury days rationale thing.

在经历一个酷暑及史上罕见的干旱后形成的这场大火既有圣塔安那沙漠大风助纣为虐又有干燥易然的灌木丛火上加油。The fires, fanned by desert winds called Santa Anas, are being fueled by tinder-dry brush following a hot summer and record drought.

在经历一个酷暑及史上罕见的干旱后形成的这场大火既有圣塔安那沙漠大风助纣为虐又有干燥易然的灌木丛火上加油。The fires, fanned by desert winds called Santa Anas, are being fueled by tinder-dry brush following a hot summer and record drought.