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图像处理是病态问题。Image processing is an ill-conditioned problem.

做图像处理的人可以用来参考。Do the image processing can bbe used for reference.

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杉森,图像处理部分也是这种情况吗?Sugimori-san, is it the same with image processing?

使用公益诉讼,它已经有高标准的api用于图像处理。Use PIL, it already has highlevel APIs for image handling.

图像识别是图像处理中的一个重要分支。Image recognition is an important part of image processing.

通过图像处理,得到尾纤的端面角度。By image processing, the angle of pigtail endface is gained.

图像的预处理是后续图像处理的基础。Preprocess of image is the base of following image processing.

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我为一家照相机生产商开发图像处理软件。I developed image processing software for a camera manufacturer.

YUV和YIQ是在图像处理研究领域经常用到的两种颜色空间。YUV and YIQ are two color spaces often used in image processing.

下设后勤管理室、图形图像处理中心。It has rear-service office and graphic and pictures process center.

没有可用内存。无法初始化图像处理控制。No memory is available. The imaging controls cannot be initialized.

对他们来说,关键在于超低的功耗和更好的图像处理技术。The key for them is super low-power and better graphics processing.

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也许是图像处理,也许是数据库设计,等等。It might be image manipulation or maybe database design or whatever.

系统测试了酒瓶检测线上的图像处理应用。System test of the bottle test online image processing applications.

基于图像处理的铟钢尺自动检测系统。Automatic Measurement System of Invar Rods Based on Image Processing.

介绍了处理系统的硬件组成和图像处理方法。And the system is implemented based on the DSP and FPGA co-processing.

同态技术在红外图像处理中的应用。Application of Homomorphic technology in infrared imagines processing.

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利用图像处理软件实现瞄准的自动化。Image processing was used to realize automatic collimation of missile.

医学图像分析是图像处理的一个重要领域。Medical-image analysis is the main applied domain in image processing.

介绍了基于图像处理技术的叶面积检测法。The measurement of leaf area based on image processing was introduced.