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瞧你的猫把我的绒线球弄乱了。See how your cat has messed up my ball of wool.

冬季,宜用质厚的绒线布。Winter, it is appropriate quality thick wool fabric.

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把绒线绕过你的大拇指和食指。Wrap yarn around the back of your thumb and forefinger.

一般用作床罩或地毯的绳绒线织成的织物。Fabric made of this cord, commonly used for bedspreads or rugs.

他的身体是由优质毛绒线较灵活的框架。His body is made from premium plush over a flexible wire frame.

她买一条绒线编织的裙,寄给了德纳第。She purchased a knitted petticoat and sent it to the Thenardiers.

现在以细钢绒线代替细铁丝,用6节干电池重做实验。Now use six dry cells and replace the iron wire by thin steel wool.

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轻轻把这双铝制的筷子滑出它的绒线口袋,啪地一下合二为一。These aluminum chopsticks slide out of a fabric pouch and snap together.

丝,丝织物,帐,提花机,绳绒线帐和室内装潢品。Silk, Silk Fabric, Curtains, Jacquard, Dhobby, Chenille Curtains and Upholstery.

温妮脱掉她的羊毛外套,脱掉她的绒线帽子,脱掉她的雪靴,她的手套,还有她的围巾。Winnie took off her woolly coat, her fluffy hat, her snow boots, her gloves, and her scarf.

绒线是一些小小的散纤维,他们通常在洗涤过程或者是撕扯中产生。Lint is a collection of tiny, loose fibers that come off your clothes due to normal wear and tear.

那究竟是为什么在洗衣机过滤器中收集起来的绒线呈现出来的是不变的浅灰色?Why, then, does the lint that collects in the lint tray always come out the same color—a bland gray?

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就低温染色助剂KD对纯毛绒线染色的可行性进行了探讨。The feasibility study of pure wool knitted yarn dyeing with low temperature dyeing assistant KD is conducted.

在今年春季,可以买到从斜纹软呢、毛皮到毛织品和开士米绒线的各类披风和长围巾。And this spring, a whole array of capes and wraps are on offer, ranging from tweed to fur to wool and cashmere.

这时候太阳好,我还要带了绒线去替你结羊毛坎肩,跟她商量什么样子呢。Now the sun's nice. I want to take some yarn along to knit a wool vest for you and discuss with her how it should be.

宝宝脸谱毛线靴,采用宝宝绒线精心编织而成,宝宝穿着保暖舒适,适合0-8个月宝宝穿着。Baby, baby makeup wool boots by careful wool woven, baby dress warmly and comfortable, suitable for 0-8 months baby wear.

因此如果在洗衣机里搁置的是一种颜色的衣物,例如紫色,那绒线就是紫色。Thus were you to load the washer with clothes of only one color—say a uniform purple—the lint would indeed be of that color.

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在卧室的角落,增加一张躺椅或加有厚软垫的阅读椅及边桌并且悬垂一个绒线毯子在扶手上。In the corner of the bedroom, add a chaise or overstuffed reading chair and side table and drape a chenille throw on the arm.

挑线滑板向左滑动,使得过线管内的绒线进入棒针的钩内。The take-up slide plate is slided leftwards, the knitting wool in the wool pipe can be come into the hook of the knitting needle.

在更随意些的起居室里,还可以通过装饰技巧获得粗斜纹棉布、格子布和绒线的外观效果。Some of the more casual living room, decorative techniques can also be obtained through the denim, plaid cloth and knitting wool appearance.