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我用得着耍赖吗?Like I need to use tricks?

男人有盲点还要耍赖!Men refuse to admit their own blind spots!

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不敦朴妻子的家伙玩牌也耍赖。Guy who'd cheat on his wife would cheat at cards.

我讨厌跟他下棋,因为他都耍赖。I hate to play chess with him because he always cheats.

约翰值得信赖。他会遵守规则不会耍赖。John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.

我这么讲信用的人,怎么会耍赖呢?I'm such a trustworthy person, how could I be playing tricks?

但他补充到他认为印度政府正在“摆脱这种耍赖的态度。”But he added that he thought India was "starting to come out of denial".

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不记得从什么时候开始,宝贝儿就学会了撒泼耍赖。Don't remember from when, baby George started protesting against our NOs.

我不管,她要真赶我们走的话我就耍赖。反正房租已经付了。I don't care. She gets serious and I'll play rascal. I just paid the rent.

我和我朋友很欣赏她的这种精神,也就不再耍赖了。My friend and I really appreciate her this kind of spirit, will no longer act shamelessly.

有时候我会耍赖,我会把打到地上弹起的球打到妈妈那边去了,好搞笑啊。Sometimes I play to depend on, I'll hit the ground bounce the ball to the mother, so funny!

于是,在家里,男人也开始撒娇,开始耍赖,这样的场面,其实是其乐融融。Then, in the home, men began to play the woman, began to play to depend on, such a scene, is happy.

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韩国人在这个世界上生存的秘诀主要是靠扯谎,耍赖,无耻。Koreans' secret of survival rests largely on their ability to lie, to act irresponsibly, and to be shameless.

爱让人变乖突然间开始温柔了起来,爱让人变坏懂得了什么时候该耍赖。Bianguai people suddenly started a gentle love, love when people understand the deterioration of the niggling over.

于是,我就坐在地上耍赖,爸、妈拿我没办法,只好给我买了一支菠萝冰棍儿。Hence, I sat on the ground to depend on, father, mother and I had no choice but to buy me a pineapple ping2 shuo wear an ice-sucker.

如果看官您确实试着放大缩小自己的鼻孔的话,请转载,别耍赖哦!If see an officer definite to try to enlarge to contract oneself of the words of nostril, please turn to carry, don't play to depend on!

她真的够16岁了?有人去查看一下她的出生证明么?中国可是经常会耍赖,将一些未成年女孩送到奥运赛场,以此来干掉美国最好的运动员。Is she really 16? Somebody should check her birth certificate. China tends to send underage girls to Olympics to beat the best of the USA.

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明确规则。工作上的电话和电子邮件是否允许?为做家庭作业而上网是否可以?还有,耍赖搞小动作的后果是什么?Be clear on the rules. Will calls and emails for work be allowed? What about going online for homework? What are the consequences for cheating?

犯了错误是要写检查的,写检查一定要态度端正,不得躺在床上撒娇耍赖企图蒙混过关!Made a mistake and write a check of and write check must attitude regular, can not lie to act in pettish to play to depend on scheme to get by under false pretenses on the bed!

水货商家为了拉拢顾客,往往事在手里期限内无条件免费修理,但是遇到耍赖的,你就没有办法了!Parallel businesses in order to win over customers, often in the hands of the matter and unconditionally free repair period of time, but encounter Shua Lai, you have no way of!