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他只身捕获一头狮子。He captured a lion unaided by anyone.

红蜘蛛之鬼魂苏醒,只身前往铁甲星。Starscream's ghost awakens and heads to Tryptic.

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另外,切不可只身滑雪,要带一个同伴。Also, never try to ski alone, so bring a companion.

美国不会只身参与并达成任务。The U.S. can't go in and accomplish the mission alone.

喂,那个独自一人,只身坐在电话旁的你。Hey you, out there on your own, Sitting naked by the phone.

在死之前,她和老鸨吵了一架,后只身到了香港。She had a quarrel with the pimp and she went alone to Hong Kong.

这位勇敢的战士曾只身一次活捉两个敌兵。The brave soldier took two enemy soldiers single-handed at a time.

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1993年,24岁的王太利离开山东老家,只身来到北京。In 1993, at 24, Wang left his hometown in Shandong province for Beijing.

其中诸多实验包括在猪只身上施以几近致命的伤害。Many of the experiments involved pigs inflicted with near-fatal injuries.

许多“嫖客”都是损失了珠宝或电脑而只身回到家中。Many Geese return home without their jewelry or computers, but return home.

在死之前,她和老鸨吵了一架,后只身到了香港。Bessie died, she had a quarrel with the pimp and she want alone to Hong Kong.

曾经有一个青年,大学毕业后只身来到一座陌生的城市打工。There was once a young man who came to an alien city to work after graduation.

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初出茅庐,只身行走,有一种素质至为重要,这种素质,我把它叫做定力。Entering the society initially, you need a precious quality called “composure”.

对单身只身妹妹,我始终争取,对罗敷有夫,我从未抛却。For single sister alone, I always strive for, apply a man to lot, I never forget.

为了搭救老管家而只身回到险象环生的法国。To rescue old housekeeper and the return of the crisis to return to France alone.

志伟从国栋那里获悉家乐的行踪,只身来到峇淡岛找她。Zhi Wei learns from Guo Dong of Jia Le's whereabouts and tracks her down at Batam.

媒体的衬着也在加重人们应付单身只身女性的发急和反感。The media fuels and foments the public angst and aversion to women's single status.

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乔装过的汤伯凡只身前往吴敏家,悄悄拿走了耿光明的笔记本。In disguise Tang Bofan went to Wu Min's home, quietly took the Geng bright notebook.

不分昼夜,年轻女子只身在外行走,经常牵着可卡犬—而非守卫犬。Day and night, young women walk alone, often with cockapoos and Lhasas—not guard dogs.

2003年,27岁的拉斯顿只身来到位于犹他州东南的布鲁庄峡谷攀岩。In 2003, Ralston, then 27, was climbing alone in Blue John Canyon in southeastern Utah.