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现在应该开始营业了。It should be open by now.

我觉得这店是全天候营业的。I think the shop is open 24-7.

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还有营业利润There's also operating income.

连加油站也停止营业了。Even gas station close for bandh.

我们的营业时间为早7点到晚23点。Our business hour is 7am to 23pm.

任何其他日期均为营业日。Any other dates are business days.

选择下一个营业日交付。Choose Next Business Day delivery.

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它的营业时间是早上9点到晚上11点。It is open from 9 a. m. to 11 p. m.

这个店铺每天早九点开门营业。The shop opens at 9 a.m. every day.

下星期我们暂停营业盘点存货。The food store took stock every week.

面包师傅什么时候营业?When does the baker follow his trade?

新的营业处将在明年一月开张。The new office will open next January.

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我们的营业时间是上午9点钟到下午的10点钟。Our business hour are 9A. M. to 10P. M.

这家商店一直营业到晚十点。The shop stays open until ten at night.

但是在那之前,将“照常营业。”But until then, "it's business as usual.

指目前未供营业上使用之资产。Assets not under operating use currently.

这是一间昼夜营业的破破烂烂的小咖啡馆。It was a small and shabby all-night café.

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被抢劫过的那家银行现在开门营业了。The bank that's been scoffed is open now.

酒店还在营业,工作人员也充足。The hotel is open and it's fully staffed.

营业费用支付养老金。Business expenses for payment of pensions.