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七言律诗自萌芽至成熟,经历了一个漫长的发展阶段。QiLu'poem has a long development stage from beginning to aging.

这两个全译本对律诗部分的处理可说是可圈可点。The two versions dealing with the verse part in the novel should take the credit.

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这些律诗不但本身具有很高的艺术价值,更是全书不可或缺的有机组成部分。All these verses, with a high artistic value, are also an indispensable part in Hong Lou Meng.

律诗诗体建立的过程中,形式的完成是诗体繁荣的首要条件。In its developing process, the establishment of form is the base for the flourish of metrical verse.

杜甫律诗的章法,因题材不同而表现为不同的格局。Art of composition of Du Fu's metrical verses show different structures because of different materials.

从用韵看,“元嘉体”已经出现了后来律诗用韵的某些特征。From the use of rhyme, the Yuanjia Poems have appeared later with some of the characteristics of rhyme.

通过频率统计整理出古体诗和律诗采用的平仄句型以及他们的数量。On the other hand, we drew the tonal patterns of ancient-verse and regular-verse by frequency statistics.

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总体而言,魏宪更擅长诗歌创作,且其律诗颇有佳篇。In general, Wei Xian was better at poetic writing, and there were some excellent poems in his regulated verses.

李维桢的诗歌各种体裁兼备,尤其擅长七言,其七言古诗、七言律诗、七言绝句均较好地体现了他的才情与学识。His poems had all kinds of poetic forms, especially seven-syllable poems that embodied his talent and learning well.

杜甫律诗已臻极致,无论是遣词造句,还是格律的运用都得心应手。Du's law poetry had approached to perfection, not only the use of words and sentences, but also the application of the law.

情景组合论作为情景交融的一种方式论,属于情景交融论的初级理论,对律诗创作产生过很大影响。Although in its primary stage, these theories produced great influence on poetic writing at that time and in the following generations.

该文设计的程序可以十分方便地自动、准确分析律诗的平仄格律。The program of this paper can be very convenient automatic, accurate analysis of the patterns of level and oblique tones in regulated verses.

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近年来学术界对诗歌格律化进程研究普遍重视,研究者都在证实一个自唐至今普遍的观点,即律诗定型于初唐诗人沈宋手中。Along with the recent study on the rules and forms of classical poetic composition , the study on Songzhiwen, who is a poet in early Tang dynasty.

七言律诗是由以杜审言、沈期等人为代表的一个文学家群体完成的。七言律诗在“盛唐诸公”的手里得到初步发展。Qilu poems were brought to the literary stage by a group of highly accomplished scholars, with Du Shenyan and Shen Quanqi as their representative figures.

杜审言在中国诗歌史能占有一席之地,更主要的是他在律诗的定型和形式的创新等方面所作出的贡献。Du to speak in the history of Chinese poetry can place the main thing is he feeling stereotypes and innovations have been made in the form of contributions.

其翻译选材,经历了从表现功利性的政治文本到追求人性的艺术文本的转变。其翻译风格则着重表现在他善用旧体格律诗来表达译文。His choice of translated materials from political texts to artistic texts shows his great translation skill of using classical poems to render the source language.

五绝的四种格式的平仄具有二字音步、平仄交错、粘对联系、出仄对平和音步重音等五条规律可寻,并可以根据这五条规律推导出格律诗的十六种格式。The four types of tonal patterns of the metrical verse of four five-character lines have five rules to go by. And all the sixteen forms of metrical verses can be deduced from those five rules.

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平仄要依据一定的规则,并形成了四种平仄格式,可运用“填充法”、“推演法”和“口诀法”来掌握并学会运用律诗的平仄格式。They follow certain rules and have formed four patterns. The methods of "filling", "deducing" and "mnemonical rhymes" can be used to master and learn to use the patterns of level and oblique tones.