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欢迎来到勃利县高级中学!Welcome to Boli Senior High School!

我两个姊姊都是乔治华盛顿高级中学的毕业生。My two sisters are both alumnae of George Washington High school.

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深圳市福田外国语高级中学是一所创办于1998年的公办普通高中。Shenzhen Futian Foreign Languages High School is a public high school founded in 1998.

被爱给人力量,爱人给人勇气。我出生在常州武进奔牛镇。在我的家乡有一所著名的高中--奔牛高级中学…Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

高级中学学生军训“统一纳入社会实践课程进行”,时间为1-2周。High School Student Military Training "unified into the social practice courses, " time is 1-2 weeks.

热烈庆祝重庆市万州第2高级中学建校70周年!Warmly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of Chongqing Wanzhou No. 2 Senior High School !

他认为沃纳·特罗史克高级中学不太能激发灵感,因此他的学习并不出色。He found the Werner Trotschke Gymnasium school rather less inspiring and did not shine at his studies.

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今天,我们宣布了6个进入到2011年全美跨入顶级精英挑战赛决赛的高级中学的名单。Today, we announced the six finalists for the 2011 Race to the Top High School Commencement Challenge.

她上布莱尔高级中学二年级的时候,一位校少年棒球队的教练叫她去做球队的统计员。In her sophomore year at Blair High, a junior varsity baseball coach asked her to be the team statistician.

只有这样,才能使农村高级中学在新形势下获得进一步的发展。Only in this way, we can make our village senior high school develop furtherly. This is the aim of this thesis.

而我们扬帆中学是一所乘改革开放的东风,而扬帆启航的私立高级中学。Yangfan High shool is set up as a private high school after the implementation of reform and opening-up policy.

他上了一个残疾人学校,后来就读林肯高级中学,在那儿他被编入慢班。He attended a school for the disabled and then Lincoln High School, where he was placed in a class for slow kids.

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2011年度ACG高级中学颁奖典礼在11月28日于复活主节大教堂,帕内尔举行。The 2011 ACG Senior College Prize Giving Ceremony was held at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Parnell on 28 November.

要用战略的眼光处理好农村高级中学校长治校过程中出现的相关的问题。We should use the taste of the strategy to handle related problems that appear in the process of managing school.

目前,三河一中全体师生正在为争办国家级示范性高级中学而奋勇前进!At present, teachers and students of all three rivers in a bid is a national high school model and to forge ahead!

综合高中之班级数、学生数及毕业生数均包含于高级中学各相关数字内。No. of classes, students and graduates of comprehensive high schools are included in those of senior high schools.

作为日常课程的组成部分,为什么高级中学缺少强制性的自杀防范纲要?Why is it that high schools do not have mandatory suicide prevention programs as a part of their everyday curriculum?

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泰戈尔国际学校于2008年与上海晋元高级中学结为友好学校。Tagore International School established a sister-school relationship with Shanghai Jinyuan Senior High School in 2008.

羊尖高级中学成为了一批渴望读书的孩子们的理想之地。Yangjian High school has already become an ideal site for those children who are pursuing knowledge and eager to learn.

我们在江苏省横林高级中学为期一年的教学即将进入尾声,为此我们写这封信来与你们道别。We are writing you this letter to say goodbye as our year of teaching at Jiangsu Henglin High School has come to an end.