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现在还没有背光。Still no backlights.

背光的低光条件下。Backlight for low light conditions.

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无背光。电池不能自给更换。No backlight. Battery not user replace-able.

7英寸的LED背光显示屏看上去十分漂亮。The 9.7-inch LED backlit screen is beautiful.

更换了背光驱动,低耗电!Change the backlight driver, low battery usage!

虽然背光,可是我还是看到两个男生的样子。Although the backlight, but I still see two boys.

此外,没有遥控器上的背光照明。Moreover, there is no backlighting on the remote.

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自动背光,方便夜间操作。Automatic backlight, convenient for nighttime operation.

同时,它还具备自动组合和背光照明功能。It also has automatic self-alignment, and back lighting.

背光式的使用者介面只随著你靠近M100而发亮。The backlit user interface only lights up as you approach the M100.

这张照片是赫本背光所拍摄于1956年的。Actress Audrey Hepburn is backlit by pattern of klieg lights in 1956.

我们采访的一位苹果公司高管表示,消费者要求得最多的就是这款背光键盘。An Apple executive we spoke with mentioned it was the most requested.

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该器件还有一个片上DAC,用来控制LCD背光或对比度。There is also an on-board DAC for LCD back-light or contrast control.

薄型化导光板是近年来背光模组设计的重点。In recent years, the light guide plate design is focused on ultra-thin.

没有变形拉伸模式,遥控器没有背光按键。There is no anamorphic stretch mode, and the remote has no backlighting.

毫无变形拉伸模式,远程没有背光。There is no anamorphic stretch mode, and the remote has no backlighting.

您可以添加壁纸,但短期内没有背光时间可调。You can add wallpaper, but the short backlighting time isn't adjustable.

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按键带有蓝色背光,很漂亮,晚上不开灯也能使用。Button with a blue backlight, very beautiful at night Kaideng can not use.

通过闪烁背光,播放声音,或者振动提示用户。Alerting the user by flashing the backlight, playing a sound, or vibrating.

本发明还公开了使用上述导光板的背光模组。The invention also discloses a backlight module using the light guide plate.