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目的研究呋喃西林粉用于宫颈糜烂微波治疗术后的临床效果。Research on the efficacy of microwave-furacilin therapy against cervix erosion.

目的制备高浓度且质量稳定的呋喃西林溶液。Objective To prepare the furacilin solution with higher concentration and stable quality.

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考察了不同灭菌时间及储存过程对呋喃西林溶液稳定性的影响。The influence of sterilization time and storage time on the stability of Nitroflural Solution was studied.

目的建立测定复方替硝唑漱口液中替硝唑、呋喃西林含量的高效液相色谱法。Aim To establish a HPLC method for simultaneous determination of metronidazole and furacilin in its Collut.

目的制备复方呋喃西林栓剂并建立其质量标准。Objective To prepare the compound furacilin suppository and to establish the quality standard for the suppository.

目的研究呋喃西林水溶液光解反应的表观反应级数和光照度的关系。Objective To explore the relationship between the illuminance and the observed order of reaction of photodegradation of nitrofurazone solution.

目的建立同时测定复方呋喃西林滴鼻液中盐酸麻黄碱与呋喃西林含量的高效液相色谱法。Objective To set up an HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of ephedrine hydrochloride and furacilin in compound furacilin nose drops.

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故医生在治疗中耳炎时,往往会给患者开些滴鼻剂,如呋喃西林麻黄素滴鼻液等药物。Therefore, doctors in the treatment of otitis media, often patients will prescribe nose drops, nose drops and other drugs such as nitrofurazone.

呋喃西林水溶液在光作用下的表观反应级数与药物的初浓度和入射光的照度都有关。The observed order of reaction of photodegradation of nitrofurazone solution depended on both the concentration of the drug and the illuminance of the incident light.

结论呋喃西林水溶液在光作用下的表观反应级数与药物的初质量浓度和入射光的照度有关。Conclusion The observed order of reaction of photodegradation of nitrofurazone solution depends on both the concentration of the drug and the illuminance of the incident light.

采用君花含漱液用于治疗慢性肝病后期病人口腔溃疡及牙龈渗血,并与呋喃西林液含漱进行疗效比较。Junhua gargle has used to treat late stage chronic hepatic disease patients complicated with stomatocace and gingival oozing of blood, and compared it with using Furacilin solution gargle.