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对非热辐射谱也进行了观测。Non-thermal radiation spectra are also observed.

叶蜡石相对热辐射率较低。The relative heat radiation rate of pyrophyllite is fairly low.

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土星上比较黑暗的区域显示出最强烈的热辐射。The darker areas within Saturn show the strongest thermal radiation.

在大鼠热辐射甩尾模型上也得到了类似的结果。The same result was observed in rat heat radiation tail-flick assay.

非制冷红外焦平面器件是微测热辐射计的核心部件。The Uncooled Infrared FPA is the key component of the microbolometer.

BNS户外木地板可有效防止太阳的光和热辐射到市内。BNS pation floor reduce the heat and glare of sunlight into the house.

基于图像的脉冲光热辐射测量的数据处理方法。Data processing method of pulsed photothermal radiometry based on image.

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如果核心暴露在外,其热辐射就会加热迸散的气体,使之发光。When the core is exposed, its radiation heats the ejected gas, making it glow.

光环中的尘埃非常冷——摄氏零下193度——但它因为热辐射而发光。The ring dust is very cold – minus 193C – but it shines with thermal radiation.

非均匀性校正是红外热辐射成像的一个重要技术。The nonuniform correction technique is an important technique of the microbolometer.

这就为何时使用一维光热辐射测量理论提供依据。It is theoretic foundation for when to use 1-D theory of the photothermal radiometry.

波长短于可见光的热辐射称紫外线。The thermal radiation of shorter wavelengths than the visible are called ultraviolet.

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炼厂气的第三种最好应用是作为燃料气用作热辐射型工艺锅炉的燃料。The third best use of refinery gas is as fuel gas to fire radiant-type process furnaces.

但它的尘埃微粒发射红外光,或者说热辐射,故此斯皮策卫星能看到它。But its dusty particles shine within frared light, or heat radiation, that Spitzer can see.

在克尔非线性黑体中非极化激元系统包含了自由的热辐射。The nonpolariton system constitutes free thermal radiation in the Kerr nonlinear blackbody.

日光、热辐射、遮蔽及气流都是影响空间舒适度的因素。Sunlight, thermal radiation, shielding and airflow all affect the comfortableness of the space.

同时,头部气体层热辐射也是再入体壁面加热热流的重要源项。At the same time, the gas layer radiation is also an important source of heating flux to the wall.

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斯皮策望远镜能发现环带是因为它能看到红外光,或者说是物体本身的热辐射。Spitzer was able to spot the band because it sees infrared light, or heat radiation, from objects.

爆炸释放的热辐射将她所着和服背后的花纹烧毁。The thermic rays emitted by the explosion burned the pattern of this woman's kimono upon her back.

间层中的传热大部分转化为热辐射传热。Most of the heat transfer in the air spaces are converted into the heat transfer of heat radiation.