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这位稻川老闆补充说稻川财团不再为布什集团工作。The Inagawa no longer work for Bush, the boss added.

英国石油为首的财团可以依靠中石油的经验。The BP consortium can rely on the experience of CNPC.

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我们民众要确保我们的集体声音响过这些大财团。We need to make sure our collective voices talk louder.

寻找财团军需官,卖破烂物并且修理。Find the Consortium Quartermaster, sell junk and repair.

我们陷入现在的换乱处境完全拜大财团和华尔街所赐。We’re in this mess because of big business and Wall Street.

目前地球上最大的一百个经济体中,有五十一个是财团。Of the 100 largest economies on earth now, 51 are corporations.

文章称,黄建华背后有亚洲大财团的支持。Huang is backed by one of the wealthiest investment funds in Asia.

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各财团的投资剧减﹐解雇了数千名工人。The chaebols slashed investment and laid off thousands of workers.

该大坝将由某国际财团负责建造。An international syndicate will be responsible for building the dam.

它是一次平民运动,还是有大财团在暗中支持?Is the tea party a real populist movement or a front for big business?

车斗铉,韩国国际交流财团执行副主席,韩国国。Du Hyeogn Cha, Executive Vice President of the Korea Foundation, Korea.

三棱财团以此前十倍价格出售其冷冻产品。Mitsubishi conglomerate sells frozen stockpiles at tenfold previous prices.

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出资筑坝的国际财团说这是唯一适合建造储水库的地点。The dam consortium says this is the only viable location for their reservoir.

正是在90年代初,一个专营权的财团是把购买Brumby的。It was in the early '90s that a franchise consortium was put together to buy Brumby's.

适逢大财团纷纷涌现,他不厌其烦,尽数此类疯狂兼并和收购的弊端。When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.

这一耗费11.32亿人民币的项目由中国五大巨头电力公司组成的财团监督运行。A consortium of five top Chinese power companies is overseeing the 1.138 bn Yuan project.

一家财团计划建造一条从俄罗斯向德国东部输送天然气的管道。A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.

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适逢大财团纷纷涌现,他不厌其烦,尽数此类疯狂兼并和收购的弊端。When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.

财团带动汐止发展,但却也打造出失序的汐止都市空间。Fifth, consortiums promote the development of Xizhi, but result in a disorder urban space.

空中客车财团希望在1998年向航空公司推出A3XX型客机,并于2003年提供首架A3XX机。Airbus expects to offer the A3XX to airlines in 1998, and deliver the fist aircraft in 2003.