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别再数绵羊啦!No more sheep!

狼群撕咬绵羊。Wolves worry the sheep.

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我们在动物园看见三只绵羊。We saw three sheeps in the zoo.

绵羊有一层卷曲柔软的厚毛。A sheep has a thick woolly coat.

这个星期绵羊要产羔。The sheep are lambing this week.

绵羊咩咩叫,咩咩咩咩咩咩。The sheep goes baa, baa baa baa.

那时,杜伊勒里宫还有许多大绵羊拉着罗马王的小车子,您还记得罗马王吗?Do you remember the King of Rome?

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我们农场有许多绵羊。There are many sheeps on our farm.

猜猜我是谁。是我,绵羊!Guess who I am. It's me, the sheep!

如果奉献一只绵羊作牺牲,应将牠牵到上主面前。If he offer a lamb before the Lord.

牧童与绵羊,绿树和小溪Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks

为什么下雨的时候绵羊不缩水?Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

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冬天绵羊的毛很厚。In the winter sheep have thick fleeces.

它像绵羊或蛞蝓一样吞食植物。Like a sheep or a slug, it eats plants.

我家绵羊的毛很厚。The sheep of mine have very thick wool.

月光下所有的母牛和绵羊And all the moonlit cows and all the sheep

绵羊和牛主要饲养作肉食。Sheep and ox chiefly raise to do the meat.

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凡是骚扰绵羊的狗都必须制止。A dog that molests sheep has to be stopped.

乌龟比绵羊跑得慢多了。The turtle runs more slowly than the sheep.

有绵羊戏海、飞鹰扑浪。They include Sheep Frolicking with the Sea.