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腰背酸软,肢体困重。Back and knees, body weight difficulties.

下背痛就是一种常见的腰背疾病。Low back pain is the commonest one of them.

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她手臂轻轻抚著你的腰背。With her arm gently sweeps across your waist.

播放最喜欢的音乐还有助于舒缓各种腰背疼痛症。Cranking your favorite music may help eliminate back pain.

小鱼际击法适用于腰背与四肢部。Minor thenar-hitting, lumbodorsal portion and limbs region.

脊椎骨是腰背骨或脊柱骨之ㄧ种骨头。Vertebra is one of the bones of the backbone or spinal column.

你是像芭蕾舞演员腰背挺直,还是像恐龙一样弯腰驼背缩成一团?Are you as straight-backed as a ballerina, or as hunched as a dinosaur?

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将碘化丙啶注入股神经干,双苯甲亚胺注入腰背肌。PI was injected into the femoral nerve, and Bb into the low back muscle.

对于肌肉痛,关节痛,腰背疼痛,跌打损伤,肿胀和疼痛。For muscle pain, joint pain, low back pain, bruises and swelling and pain.

对于有些人来说,仰卧起坐似乎更容易产生腰背问题。Some people seem to be more prone to back problems caused by sit-ups than others.

突发上腹部疼痛伴腰背放射痛是其主要表现。The chief complaint was sudden epigastric pain with radiation of pain to the back.

目的探寻一种便于病人进行腰背肌锻炼的有效器械。Objective To explore an effective device for training patients waist and back easily.

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这位腰背挺直、两眼炯炯有神的老先生确实做了不少事。The old gentleman with the ramrod bock and twinkling eyes had indeed done many things.

不过,这样的姿势时间一长,妈妈的手臂和腰背就容易感觉酸软。However, pose a long time, so my mother's arms and back would be easy to feel weakness.

适用于劲肩、腰背、腹部、大小腿及足底等部位按摩。Used to massage neck, shoulder, waist, back, abdomen, leg, thenar and other body parts.

结论杜仲颗粒剂对防治原发性骨质疏松性腰背疼痛有明显作用。Conclusion Eucommia granule has obvious effect in treating low back pain from primary osteoporosis.

埃特孟派拉玛是一个中等身材,腰背笔直的七十岁老人,他那褐色面孔上的胡子刮得精光。Edmund paramor was a medium-sized and upright man of seventy, whose brown face was perfectly clean-shaven.

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因此,腰背架的大小、外观及舒适度对儿童是很重要的考虑。The brace size, appearence and the overall comfort are the vital consideration for Scoliosis Brace Selection.

绝大多数腰背疼痛都可以通过锻炼背部和下腹部的肌肉得到改善。In most cases of lower back pain, you will benefit from exercises to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles.

学习如何执行膝盖塔克斯伸出物理治疗腰背在这个自由视频背面。Learn how to perform knee tucks to stretch out the lower back in this free video on physical therapy for the back.