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我恳求免除分派的那个任务。I begged off that assignment.

你能免除我的债务吗?Will you forgive me the debt?

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你的费用不能免除。Your fees cannot be remitted.

劳尔被免除罪责。Lauer is exonerated from blame.

经理免除了他一项责任。The manager absolved him from an obligation.

向他人学习可以免除你的许多痛苦。Learn from others. It saes you a lot of grief.

弃绝后天扰攘的学习,免除忧愁烦恼吧!When we renounce learning we have no troubles.

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向他人学习可以免除你的许多痛苦。Learn from others. It saves you a lot of grief.

一个好的簿记员能免除你各种烦恼。A good one will save you all sorts of headaches.

要求免除你信用卡的年费。Ask to have your credit card’s annual fee waived.

领取养老金的人应免除征税。Old age pensioners should be exempt from taxation.

调查免除了他们对所有的坏事的责任。The investigation absolved them of any wrongdoing.

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您将收到1磅的石油,免除了重量。You will receive 1 lb. of oil, dispensed by weight.

这个水库使40用项的土地免除了水灾的威胁。The reservoir keeps flood from400000 hectares of land.

两者都具有耐旱特性并且免除种子的转基因专利税。Both are drought-tolerant and the seeds are royalty-free.

我们免除所有责任都在你们工地材料。We disclaim all liability for all materials on your site.

不要吃得太咸,同时要免除烟酒。Don't eat too much salt, and avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

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他研究数据,并确信那将免除他的责任。He studies the data and is confident it will exonerate him.

为了免除您的集纳烦恼,浴室柜应运而生。Jina trouble to remove your bathroom cabinets have emerged.

首先,它表示“取消债务,原谅或免除罪过。”First, it means “to cancel a debt, to pardon or remit guilt.”