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人们都在议论纷纷。你正在让人看笑话。People are talking. You're committing social suicide.

城里的人都注意到他的丧服,议论纷纷。This mourning was noticed in the town, and commented on.

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大家都议论纷纷,丈二的和尚摸不着头脑。We are talking about, Joji monks scratching their heads.

为什么要进行这一变革,人们对其原因议论纷纷。Theories have developed about the reasons for the changes.

艾利乌带着议论纷纷的人们朝那片森林走去。Arius led the people, who were murmuring, toward the forest.

“我不希望这事泄漏出去,议论纷纷”他告诉他的工作人员。"I don't want this leaking out in pieces," he told his staff.

大家都议论纷纷,我们知道如果对他不够尊敬,那我们就完了。We knew that if we didn’t respect him, our heads would be off.

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“知道人们开始议论纷纷,我才真正感觉到,”他说。“I never really felt it until people started calling up,” he said.

人听闻大哗,一时议论纷纷。The person hears huge Hua, temporarily the discussion is in succession.

各界议论纷纷,官方结论是自杀。All circles is eristic in succession, official conclusion is the suicide.

现场很快围了不少人,大家议论纷纷。The spot surrounded many people very quickly, everybody is eristic in succession.

在韩国门户网站DAUM上,网民们对这幅新闻照片议论纷纷。DAUM portal in South Korea, the users are talking about on this piece of news photos.

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黎明之前,新闻组抵达白宫,年轻的员工已在议论纷纷了。As news crews arrive in the pre-dawn hours, young staffers are already buzzing around.

天气为何会对我们有如此重大的影响,科学家们至今还在议论纷纷。Just exactly why weather affects us so severely, though, is still a matter of controversy.

如今梁李分手,人们议论纷纷,就好像梁洛施要开始实施什么大计划一般。Now that it`s splitsville, people talk about it as if Leong had a master plan to begin with.

失望中,观众们议论纷纷,听也没听报幕说出代唱歌手的名字。The crowd groaned in dissapointment and failed to hear the announcer mention the stand-in's name.

虽然所有的动物都对它议论纷纷,但是它仍然高昂着头,一副不可一世的样子。Although all animals have been talking about it, but it is still a high head, like an all-powerful.

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城墙上下议论纷纷,哄吵声中,那片白雾越来越近。City wall top and bottom discusses in succession, coax noisy voice in, that white fog is pile up near.

他不仅得到时尚人士议论纷纷,他也学会了破纪录的八个奖项的夜晚。Not only did he get fashionistas buzzing, he also picked up a record-breaking eight awards that night.

不过,新浪微博上的网友倒是对此议论纷纷。Users of the popular Twitter-like microblogging service Sina Weibo, on the other hand, had plenty to say.