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一切都笼罩在雾霭中。At evening the lake hazed over.

五月雾霭绕窗梁。May mists, for the casements, fetch.

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雾霭迷濛、硕果芳醇的秋!SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness!

雾霭的季节,果实圆熟的时令。Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.

斜穿雷电雾霭,直奔黎明。Its path athwart the thunder-smoke of dawn.

霓虹灯在渐浓的雾霭中隐约闪烁。Neon lights gleamed in the deepening mists.

又是雾霭沉沉。谁的梦是如此的漠然。It is a heavy mist. Who dreams are so indifferent.

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二氧化硫可以把地球包裹在一层冷却的雾霭中。Sulphur dioxide can shroud the planet in a cooling haze.

雾霭由墨黑变为浅灰,再有浅灰转为雪白。The mist was turning from black to grey and from grey to white.

我知道再没有一种事物更能荡涤冬天的雾霭和消化不良的了。I know of nothing more purgative of winter fumes and indigestions.

紫色的雾霭笼罩在谷堆上方,偶尔会使我们打个喷嚏。Sort of a purple haze over the Corn Belt. Makes us sneeze, as well.

我再次阖上我的手掌,及至张开时,掌心里便只有雾霭。And again I closed my hand, and when I opened it there was naught but mist.

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这座被恰当地命名为小斯凯利格的岛屿似乎被雾霭所笼罩着。The lesser one , aptly named Skellig Small, seemed to be encircled in haze.

这雾霭,挑逗着群山的心,呈现出令人震惊的幻美。The fog, plays upon the heart of the hills and brings out surprises of beauty.

让我们一起分担朝露和寒潮,共享云霞和雾霭。Let us share morning dew and cold wave together , share rosy clouds and fog mists.

历史遗迹战场上的加农炮在雾霭中会比在阳光中看起来更好。Cannons on a historic battlefield might look better in fog than in bright sunlight.

上海雾霭的一天,我们坐在办公室里,俯瞰着上海金融区。We were sitting in my office overlooking Shanghai's financial district one smoggy day.

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我们的指挥官头前带路,她的绿色光剑穿透蓝色的死亡雾霭。Our Commander led the way, her green lightsaber cutting through the blue haze of death.

一氧化碳也是产生臭氧污染和城市雾霭的化学物质之一。Carbon monoxide is also one of the chemicals that create ozone pollution and urban smog.

信步长堤,仿若西湖从雾霭中刚睡醒似的。Strolling along the boulevard, one feels as if the West Lake were wakening in dawn mist.