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可爱啵!!!是什么品种的狗狗呀?Love me love my dog!

一个优良品种形成了。A strong breed emerged.

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使用该品种鸡。This variety uses chicken.

该品种长势强,生长整齐一致,株高30-35厘米。Plant grows to 30-35cm high.

它们是按品种分类的。They are classified in sorts.

这种羊是一种正在灭绝的品种。This is a dying breed of sheep.

是巴里岛的品种更适合你?Is a Balinese the Breed for You?

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拉不拉多是很好动的品种。The Labrador is an active breed.

该隐醒来一切可悯可悲的品种。Of Cain awoke all that woful breed.

有些草皮品种长有茎和叶。Some grasses have stems and leaves.

花岗岩是本店经营的当家品种。Granite is our shops' main business.

此中一类或多品种型的步队。One type or multiple types of teams.

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记忆有多品种型。There are different types of memory.

我觉得这几个品种的花色不错。I think these patterns are quite good.

品种因子为裂裂区。Variety was set as the sub-sub-factor.

确保选择不咸的品种。Be sure to choose the unsalted variety.

有些品种的钢材不容易打眼。Certain types of steel don't bore well.

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所谓新鲜乳酪,就是在食用前有别于陈年品种的乳酪。Fresh cheese is not aged before eating.

青食速冻最佳品种。Green food quick-frozen the best breed.

评判狗的品种也没问题。It's even fine to judge breeds of dogs.