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昆千贡在一条交通主干线上。Kungyangon is on a main road.

阿克伦最长的干线是市场街。Akron's longest artery is Market Street.

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第一,力保干线公路畅通。To guarantee the trunk highway smoothly.

干线公路可用粗线。Frunk roads may be shown by heavier line.

在干线公路上,交通常挤成一堆。Traffic often bunches on the big highways.

横跨加拿大的交通干线是由联邦政府管理的。The Trans-Canada highway is a federal responsibility.

英国的铁路干线都以伦敦为起点。The great railway lines of England all start from London.

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现代的铁路干线将给你一段平稳而无忧的旅程。Modern railway lines give you a smooth , untroubled journey.

失事的车辆阻碍了铁路干线的交通。The wreck held up traffic on the railroad's main line tracks.

新增一条远洋干线,目前共有航线41条,其中干线26条。Up till now there are 41 lines which 26 are ocean-going ones.

这“三横”、“五纵”构成了中国铁路干线的主要骨架。These lines form the basic framework of Chinese trunk railways.

大运村东侧以花园路和北土城路为交通干线。Nigerians court to Garden Road and North Road to traffic Tzu Link.

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火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓慢地向南驶去。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab main-line scenery.

当时塞琉西亚是世界贸易交流交通干线的中心。It was at the center of the world's trade and communication highways.

干线航班在主要人口中心城市营运。Trunk lines are those which operate between major population centers.

邢都公路综穿南北,干线公路四通八达,全市通车里程达1321公里。Xingdu highway goes through from north to south. with 1321 kilometers.

洪水淹没了河岸,冲坏了部分铁路干线。The river flooded its banks washing away part of the main railway line.

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哥伦比亚一直梦想着建造一条可以替代巴拿马运河的运输干线。Colombia has long dreamt of building an alternative to the Panama Canal.

公路干线遭水淹没,我们只得择乡间小径绕行。The main road was flooded so we had to go round by narrow country lanes.

光纤已是长途干线的首选传输媒质。Optic fiber is now the preferred transmission medium for long-haul trunks.