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她是一位生存者。She's a survivor.

但他从未放弃生存!But he never gave up!

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阿利娜选择生存。Arina chooses to live.

我们为了生存必须要吃东西。We have to eat to live.

我靠所思考的东西而生存。I exist by what I think.

幽默是生存之道。Humor is a way to survive.

我们没有空气就不能生存。We can't exist without air.

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没有它你照样生存。You can survive without it.

我要怎么继续生存?How do I ever, ever survive?

没有五谷杂粮人类就不能生存。Man can't live without corn.

人没有空气就不能生存。One can't exist without air.

TAL是位幸运的生存者。TAL is a fortunate survivor.

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其生存价值是什么?What was its survival value?

有些人知道如何生存。Some people know how to live.

生存是最好的动力。Survival is a good motivator!

你不需要通过调情才能生存。No need to flirt for survival.

作为一个生存在拉斯维加斯骗子!Survive as a hustler in Vegas!

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两种媒介各有各的生存空间。There's room for both mediums.

兀鹰靠吃死动物而生存。Vultures feed on dead animals.

我们只生存一个下午。We only live for an afternoon.