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我们在那里的时候正好还碰上警铃响了呢。While we are there, the alarm rings.

听到警铃响,他从床上跳下来。He sprang out of bed when the alarm went off.

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顿警铃大响,漏水系统也启动了。Alarms went off and the sprinkler system turned on.

那贼听到警铃声飞快地逃走了。The thief ran like anything when he heared the alarm.

一阵非常吵的安全警铃马上响起来。A very loud security alarm immediately began to go off.

火警铃依旧打着,茱莉亚他们听到警铃全都快步跑了出去。The fire alarm was still ringing and they scurried out.

响起了一阵喇叭的嘟嘟声和警铃的丁当声,一辆消防车隆隆地驶了过去。There was a great tooting and clanging, and a fire engine rumBling past.

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那个人看起来很着急,因为他不知道怎么弄响警铃。The man looked worried because he didn't know how to sound the fire alarm.

既没有警铃响起,也没有冰晶在隔水舱壁上凝结,一切如常。No bells rang, no ice crystals appeared on the bulkheads , nothing changed.

矮的,矮胖的,巨大的脑壳,他的出现发出了危险的警铃。Short, squat, massive- skulled, his presence sent out alarm bells of danger.

警铃声伴随着救护车的到来,蓝道探员被推进了救护车。Siren wails as an ambulance arrives and AGENT LANDAU is wheeled out into it. DOGGETT watches.

但是在1991年夏末,一个打扰警铃开始响起,有了不信怀疑的现象。But at the end of the summer 1991, an alarm bell started to ring, discrediting the phenomenon.

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这整件事情对很大部分传统的医学从业者正是“新时代”敲响的警铃。The whole thing had too much of a "New-Age" ring to it formost conventional medical practitioners.

每个室内火警按钮都应有一个??按钮和一个警铃。Each indoor fire alarm push-buttons shall be equipped with a break-glass push-button and an alarm bell.

幸好,那结果是虚惊一场,因为有个粗心的顾客误触警铃。Fortunately, it turned out to be a false alarm because a careless customer mistakenly set the fire alarm off.

尽管他们已经拉了警铃,但是已经无法避免这次碰撞,冰山从泰坦尼克号的右侧擦过去。In spite of their alerts, it was too late to avoid a collision, and the iceberg brushed Titanic's right side.

闭路电视室的警铃报警后,防损员立即用对讲机呼叫防损主管和值班经理,告知报警地点。LPA in CCTV room immediately notify LPS and Operation Duty Manager of the alarm location over Radio or PA system.

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先不管研究如何,家长们只要一想到他们的孩子不受重视,立马就警铃大作。Regardless of the research, parents instinctively grow alarmed at the thought of their child getting less attention.

本产品还可以根据顾客需要,做成不同长度的穿墙式水力警铃,即ZSJL-C型。The product can also be custom-made into wall-penetrating water motor alarms of various lengths, namely the ZSJL C type.

他的看法是,无论是捏、打或戳的动作,基本上都拉动了某根神经索,而敲响脑中某个疼痛的警铃。In his view, a pinch, a whack or a poke essentially tugged on a neural rope that then rang a pain alarm bell in the brain.