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惊涛拍岸如雷鸣。The waves thunder upon the shore.

一个由拍岸惊涛注满的海池。A sea filled pool with crashing surf.

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有人称之为“如怒马惊涛”。Some call it "horse Jingtao as anger."

惊涛拍岸。The high waves slaps against the cliff.

在惊涛大海深处搜索。Search in the depth of the fussed ocean.

“平海惊涛掀巨浪,与时俱进展翅飞”。Lift Jingtao Pinghai waves, wings to fly with the times.

乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪!Stoning to wear air, waves the shore, the snow piled up a thousand!

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如月球概况般的火山石和艳蓝的承平洋组成强烈对比。一个由拍岸惊涛注满的海池。令人难以置信。A moon scape of lava rock contrasted against the brilliant blue of the Pacific Ocean.

亚特兰蒂斯,传奇之地,惊涛之下,先没卑奴And even in Atlantis, of the legend the night the seas rushed in, The drowning men still bellowed for their slaves.

惊涛拍岸,卷起大片大片白云样的泡沫,这使人难以相信,竟会有人能从海上登上滩头。Wonderful waves rolling in, enormous clouds of foam, made one marvel that anybody could have got ashore at the landing.

有一天,我和一对年轻夫妇全家去密西根湖边的灯塔,那里的湖面波涛汹涌,惊涛拍岸。The waves of Lake Michigan were high and splashing onto the pier one day as I followed a young family out to a lighthouse.

骑马游丹麦田园,漫步作家凯伦布里森的花园,看哈姆莱特王子城堡外护城河的惊涛。Ride horseback through the Danish countryside, stroll through writer Karen Blixen's gardens, and storm the moat at "Prince Hamlet's" Castle.

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空气纹丝不动,除了半英里外惊涛拍岸、撞击峭壁的轰叫,再没有别的声音了。There was not a breath of air moving, nor a sound but the of the surf booming half a mile away along the beaches a against the rocks outside.

生活的大海会有惊涛狂澜,人生之舟,划起智慧和毅力的双浆,劈波破浪,驶向理想的明天。There will be violent storm and wave in the sea of life. We row ours resolution and wisdom, brave the wind and waves, sailing for the ideal tomorrow.

他是最有影响力的美国研究学者之一,并且在胡惊涛领导的中国领导层的政策决策当中发挥着重要的作用。He is one of the most influential scholars of American studies, and carries a great deal of weight in the policymaking of the Chinese leadership led by President Hu Jintao.

国家主席胡惊涛也在今年邀请金正日两次访华,在10月份,在金正日指定其第三子作为北韩下一代领导人的庆典上,中国也派出了要员参加。Kim on two visits to China this year, and in October sent a senior party official to attend a ceremony in Pyongyang to anoint Mr. Kim's third son as the next leader of North Korea.

我欢天喜地地沿着惊涛拍打的海滩向前走去,直到估计自己已经向南走得够远了,这才在几丛茂密的灌木掩护下,小心翼翼地向沙角的脊梁爬去。I walked along beside the surf with great enjoyment, till, thinking I was now got far enough to the south, I took the cover of some thick bushes, and crept warily up to the ridge of the spit.

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非洲狂野海岸一带就存在这类条件,在那里,强劲的西北风与快速狭长的流向海岸的阿加勒斯海流相互作用,造成了惊涛巨浪。Such conditions exist along Africa's wild coast, where strong winds blowing from the north-west interact with the swift and narrow Agulhas current flowing down the coast to produce enormous waves.