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我真的爱岩壁。I really love rock.

只有你和岩壁。It's you and the rock face.

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你看这岩壁从下到上。Look at the rock face from down up.

攀登埃尔卡皮坦岩壁需要四天时间。It's a four-day climb up El Capitan.

山或岩壁的攀登路径。A certain path up a rock or mountain.

喂岩壁男孩你知道我们向何处去?Hey Cliffy boy, you know where we are going?

海岸岩壁深而窄的漥地或小湾。A deep and narrow fold or inlet in a sea cliff.

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攀登者必须攀越陡峭的岩壁。The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.

他发现到一条被溪流冲刷成的山径,夹在两个岩壁之间。He found a way cut by a stream between two walls of rock.

不过,岩壁的恢弘巨大总是更能摄人心魄。However, the size, and grandeur of a cliff is always so captivating.

如今呈阶梯状的岩壁是由差别侵蚀造成的。Today was the ladder-shaped rock by erosion caused by the difference.

石澳的海蚀洞地下水渗润,岩壁闪闪发亮。Shek O sea cavern, its rock faces glistening with seeping groundwater.

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岩壁梁是地下厂房开挖中的重点和难点。Ledge beam is important and difficult in underground powerhouse excavation.

公元735年,诗仙李白游览后,在岩壁上写下了“壮观”二个大字。In 735 AD, Li Shi Xian tour, wrote in the Wall "spectacular" two characters.

镁粉会污染岩壁,抓点上有了镁粉实际上也不好抓。Chalk stains the rock and chalk-caked holds are actually worse to hang on to.

这声音穿过长空,又在下面的岩壁间回响。The sound lanced through the air and reverberated off the shale slopes below.

我们应当始终力求不在岩壁与山腰上留下任何痕迹。We should always strive to leave no trace on the rock face or the mountainside.

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他希望这个世界是完美的,但可能只有岩壁上的世界对他而言才是完美的。He wants the world to be perfect, and a place where it is perfect is on the rock.

攀爬有内角的岩壁时,攀登者可以利用两侧岩面的反作用力来攀爬。也指“打开的书”地形。An inside corner in which a climber can use counter-pressure on each side to climb it.

岩壁吊车梁壁座的开挖成型是整个岩壁梁施工的关键。The excavation of foundation for rock wall crane beam is the key of whole construction.