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从山顶上看到的美景,使我惊羡不已。The beautiful view from the top of the mountain took my breath away.

而在语言及文学方面,其成就是日渐令人惊羡的。But in language and literature the accomplishments were breathtaking.

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当阿拉伯人征服埃及时,惊羡于亚历山大城和它的财富。When the Arabs conquered Egypt, they admired Alexandria and its wealth.

上世纪80年代整个世界都惊羡日本的经济,再回首如今昔日的繁荣已经影影绰绰。It’s hard to remember that in the 1980s Japan had the world’s most admired economy.

我完全相信所有事情都是缘份使然,我在这里的时间已成为我另人惊羡的人生经历。I truly believe that things happen for a reason and my time here now has been an amazing experience.

成功的花,人们只惊羡它的明艳,然而当初的芽儿浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。The success of flowers, people only envy it brightly, but when the bud soaked struggle leiquan, sacrifice the.

我发现了一条新路线,几乎可以穿过整个林区,一路上的美景令人惊羡不已。I had found a new route that went almost entirely through wooded areas, and the beauty of the area was amazing.

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今年欧元区的经济力量让人屡屡惊羡,它的长期前景也将是一片光明。This year the euro area's economic strength has been a source of surprise. Its longer-term prospects may be brightening too.

当我了解到作者才35岁,还不足我年龄一半的时候,更惊羡他青年有为,后生可畏,和他艺术生命的强劲。At 35 years old, not half of my life, he has achieved such accomplishments and enjoyed a strong life tension of art, which I exclaim in great surprise.

巨大的珊瑚山看起来就像一座水底公园,引以为豪的海扇和海绵闪耀出紫色的,橙色的和其它令人惊羡的色彩和形状。The giant coral mountain looked like an undersea garden, boasting sea fans and sponges in brilliant shades of purples, oranges and other amazing colors.

成功者的光环让我们惊羡不已。我们在感叹这些时,是否想到鹰的一次又一次苦练,是否想到大厦的坚强柱石,是否想到成功者背后脚踏实地的奋斗?However, when you envy these, have you thought of the eagle's hard training, the strong pillars of the building and down-to-earth struggle behind the success?

虽然高铁真地能给我们创造奇迹,然而,出于经济方面的考虑,乘座它并不意味着是一个真正的好注意,就像豪华车虽然让人惊羡不已,但真正考虑购置一辆,不一定合算。As anyone who has contemplated purchasing a luxury car will know, just because something is really awesome, doesn't mean it's a good idea, economically speaking.

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我们望着窗外,惊羡着水晶样的冰雪的高雅,勇敢而耐心的树立在风中的光秃秃的树木,落日的余晖。We look out the window and admire the elegance of ice crystal, the bravely patient tree leaning leafless into the wind, the dramatic shadows of the stooping sun.

有一个故事说,在一个清冷的冬季夜晚,马丁路德走过一个树林,十分惊羡明亮的星光洒过树枝的美丽。One story suggests that Martin Luther was walking through a wood on a clear winter night admiring the beauty of the bright stars glowing through the branches of trees.

一个人可以没有让旁人惊羡的姿态,也可以忍受”缺金少银”的日子,但离开了善良,却足以让人生搁浅和褪色—因为善良是生命的黄金。You must not have beautiful appearance, and you can live without gold or silver, but you can not live without kind-heartedness. Kind-heartedness is the "source of life."

火爆电影蜘蛛侠系列让世界各地的人对蜘蛛侠的神奇本领惊羡不已,但是电影并没能改变人们对蜘蛛的坏印象。The hot movie sequels SpidermanI, II, III make people around the world admire the miraculous power of the Spiderman greatly, but they still can't change people's bad views on spiders.