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因此吴国和蜀国联合起来抗曹。Therefore, Wu and Shu united to defend his attack.

若是蜀国一统天下了,斩与不斩就都是对的了。If Shu rule all the land, chopping and not cut is right.

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成都是三国时期蜀国的首都。Chengdu was the capital of Shu during the Three Kingdoms.

在无双模式中完成所有蜀国的联盟战役。Completed all of the Shu Alliance Battles in Conquest Mode.

正如同诸葛亮斩马谡一样,历史是蜀国最终没有一统天下。As Zhu Geliang and Ma Su, history is Shu eventually did not rule all the land.

温江河系孕育了古蜀国的文化。The river system in Wenjiang has given birth to the ancient Shu Kingdom culture.

刘备称帝后不久,病死在白帝城,临死前将蜀国的大权都交给了诸葛亮。Not long after he proclaimed himself emperor, Liu Bei died of illness in Baidicheng.

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器身上的小孔可能用来将器物固定在某种物体上,供人膜拜,显示太阳崇拜是古蜀国的宗教文化。It shows that sun worship was part of the religious culture of the ancient Shu State.

而二者之间的矛盾和摩擦在客观上促进了蜀国的进一步东进。And conflicts and frictions among them objectively promoted the east expansion of Shu.

三星堆文物的出土,人们才相信,蜀国的历史至少应向前推1000年。Sanxingdui relics unearthed, it was believed that the history of Shu push at least 1000.

为了弥补蜀国国力不足的状况,诸葛亮发明了各种各样的兵器。To compensate for the deficient power of Shu, Zhuge Liang invented a variety of weapons.

成都,是中国西部的中心城市之一,位于四川盆地的古蜀国首府。Chengdu is the center of China's western cities in the ancient Sichuan Basin State capital.

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金沙遗址可能是古代蜀国的政治和文化中心。The Jinsha Ruins may have been the political and cultural centre of the ancient Shu Kingdom.

刘禅昏庸无能,在那些有才能的大臣死后,公元263年,蜀国就被魏所灭。Liu Chan fatuity incompetence, in order to have the minister who died, 263 AD, Shu Weiwasout by.

古时候,四川成为蜀国,交通十分不便。In ancient times, Sichuan was called Shu Kingdom, and the transportation wasn’t good at that time.

岷江水患长期祸及西川,成为古蜀国生存发展的一大障碍。It also became a big obstacle for the survival and development of the people in the ancient Shu State.

在诸葛亮的帮助下,蜀国日益强大,形成了与东吴、曹魏三国并立的局面。With the help of Zhuge, Liu enlarged his territory and his kingdom became as strong as the Wu and Shu.

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商末周初,古蜀国由鱼凫王朝跨入了杜宇王朝。At the end of Shang dynasty and the beginning of Zhou dynasty, the ancient Shu entered the Duyu dynasty.

一座大型多棺合葬墓、一座罕见的古蜀国船棺墓,在沉陲了2400多年后展现在人们面前。After more than 2400 years' deep sleep underground, Chuanguan tomb of Ancient nation of Shu was unearthed.

目前,三星堆出土文物被学术及非学术界认为古蜀人蜀国的遗物。At present, the unearthed Sanxingdui relics are regarded by academic and non-academic circles as ancient Shu relics.