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锦年下,愿与歌声一同飞扬。Kam Nianxia, willing and singing along with flying.

咱俩的婚事赶年下再办吧。Let's put off our wedding till the Spring Festival.

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我们在每年下第一场雪的时候从未吵架或争论过。We never quarreled or argued on the day the first snow fell.

这是一部在一九八七年下可用名Retrovir。It was made available in nineteen eighty-seven under the name Retrovir.

离年下还剩六十七天,爹娘过年会宰只鹅吧,已经好久没吃鹅了。Will my parents slaughter a goose? I didn't have goose for a long time.

年下半年以来,重化工业浪潮在中国兴起,一直持续至今。Since the half year of 2002, the tide of heavy and chemical industry in China is rising.

多变的世事把男人带到此地,让他在今年下第一场雪之前,在这个滑雪度假胜地的餐厅里孤独地用餐。A change of circumstance had led the man to eat alone at a ski resort before the first snowfall.

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他认为,“即使今年下半仍存在经济紧缩的现象,在不实施任何措施的情况下,现在的良好事态依旧会保持下去。Even if there is some contraction in the second half of the year and we did nothing, this is still good.

书院将于每年下学期安排面试,选拔参加上述计划的同学。The College will arrange interviews to select participants for the above non local language and culture programmes.

杰西卡法院强制社区服务的任务之一就是要让笨拙的少年下半身僵掉。As part of her court ordered community service, Jessica Alba is required to make awkward teen boys nut in their pants.

在2013年下轮大选中,无论哪一方在众议院获胜,都不可能在参议院中占多数席位。Whoever wins the lower house at the next general election, due by 2013, is unlikely to hold a majority in the upper house.

结论替考拉宁是治疗老年下呼吸道感染患者的较为安全有效的药物。CONCLUSION Teicoplanin is an effective and safe drug in treatment of lower respiratory tract infection in elderly patients.

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结论依诺沙星是有效和安全的治疗老年下呼吸道感染抗菌药物。Conclusion Enoxacin is effective and safe in the treatment of lower respiratory tract bacterial infection of the old patients.

目的探讨依诺沙星治疗老年下呼吸道细菌感染的疗效及安全性。Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of enoxacin in the treatment of lower respiratory tract bacterial infection in the old patients.

如果这些食物储量管理透明,参与方广泛,食物储量可以平抑丰年和差年下的价格差距,粮食短缺时短缺往往导致价格上涨。Provided they are managed in a transparent and participatory way, food reserves could smooth prices between periods of good harvests and shortages, characterised by rising prices.

随着近十几年下游河道萎缩现象的加剧,河道排洪能力降低,同流量水位逐渐抬高。With intensified shrink of the lower channel over the past ten-odd years, flood carrying capacity of the channel has dropped, and water stage at the same discharge has been gradually rising.

在黎巴嫩前总理哈里里被暗杀之后,美国和叙利亚的关系在同一年下降到冰点。U.S.-Syrian relations went into a deep freeze that same year after the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in which Syrian agents were implicated by U.N. investigators.

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我们预期企业重新补充库存,将成为2009年下半经济成长的驱动力,而2010年经济复苏将更为全面,尽管从实际数据来看,幅度仍不大.We expect the rebuilding of depleted inventories to be a key driver for growth in the second half of 2009, followed by a more broad-based, although still subdued in absolute terms, recovery in 2010.