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请在校长那里为我美言几句。Please speak for me to the president.

别担心,我会帮你美言几句的。Don't worry. I put in a good word for you.

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美言与恶行同样会欺骗聪明人和愚人。Good words and ill deeds deceive wise and fools.

信言不美,美言不信。Believe no tales beauty, please. i'll believe not.

你能帮我美言几句,好让我得到那份工作吗?Can you put in a good word for me to get that job?

他的叔叔在市当局为他美言。His uncle put in a good word for him at City Hall.

你能帮我美言几句,好得到那份任务吗?Can you get in a bad phrase to me to get which job?

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彭妮,谢谢你美言介绍。Thank you, Penny, for an extraordinary introduction.

我见到经理时,会为埃尔西美言几句的。I'll put in a good word for Elsie when I see the manager.

本厂产品,刻意创新,不用美言,只看事实。The fact tells you plainly that our products sedulously blaze new trails.

我见到经理时,会为埃尔西美言几句的。我希望她获得工作。I'll put in a good word for Elsie when I see the manager. I'd like her to get the job.

在某种程度上我也许得解释一下潜藏在他美言之下的一些事情。I shall perhaps be able to explain to some extent what underlies what he has been saying.

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无论如何,我并不擅长美言自己,那我们先从我的一些基本情况开始讲起吧。Anyway, I'm not really good at blabbering about myself so let's start off with the basics.

这样的美言是不克愚弄中国人的,中国是很伶俐的,必定是比美国更伶俐。Such accolades cannot fool China which is clever enough and certainly cleverer than America.

亲爱的女士,在你慷慨地美言奉承之前,请先想想它们到底有多少意义。Dearest lady, consider with yourself what your flattery is worth, before you bestow it so freely.

比如对自己说,在你找新工作的时候,良好的工作态度肯定有助于从老板那里得到几句美言。For example, a good attitude will definitelyhelp get a good recommendation when you are looking for a new job.

比起那诓骗的美言与华装,诚信是朴素的,他是心灵与心灵的对话。Than that with China the kind words addressed to loaded, good faith is simple, he is heart soul of the dialogue.

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谢谢你的美言。碰到一个欣赏我的读者并和他分享的观点是给我的莫大回报。Thanks for your kind words. It's always rewarding when an appreciative reader sees the game the same way that I do.

比起那诓骗的美言与华装,诚信是朴素的,他是心灵与心灵的对话。Than that with China the kind words addressed to loaded, good faith is simple, he is heart and soul of the dialogue.

谢谢诸位的美言,哪怕这首诗只给一个人带去了慰藉,也算没白写,没白痛苦一回。Thank You for your kind words, and if the poem gave only one person comfort it was worth the pain of writing it. Xx.