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审判官判决了这个案子。The judge decided the case.

判决宣告我们败诉。The judgment passed against us.

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审判团宣布其判决。The jury delivered its verdict.

法院判决此案。The court adjudicated upon the case.

法庭判决她猥亵罪。Court acquits her of indecent assault.

而我会愿意支持那样的判决。And I would have supported the decision.

终审判决——多数原则The Final Decision —— The Majority Rules

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他们每个人可能面临25年监禁的判决。Each could face up to 25 years in prison.

他的支持者认为他受到不公正的判决。His supporters feel he has taken bum raps.

P250的是对我来说太新通过的判决。P250 is too new for me to pass judgements.

最后的判决解除了他们的婚姻关系。The final decree dissolved their marriage.

这个判决将有什么宽泛的影响?What wider impact will this decision have?

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指出嫁或被卖的女子由官府判决归还母家。Pointed out that the married woman or sell?

一切判决会由总裁判长决定。This decision is made by the Superior Judge.

双方都有60天的时间来对判决上诉。Both sides have 60 days to appeal the ruling.

判决-一个要约可以向全世界发出。Held-an offer can be made to the whole world.

一审判决后,姜人杰提出了上诉。Jiang has lodged appeal against the sentence.

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那个判决是他的律师通知他的。He was apprised of the decision by his lawyer.

法官对罪犯作出了重刑判决。The judge gave the criminal a severe sentence.

我们已经意识到没有理由改变这一判决。We have seen no reason to change that verdict.