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我替你担保的。I vouched for you.

你居然还为我担保来着。You vouched for me.

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永远不要为男人作担保。Never co-sign for a man.

我愿为她用生命作担保。I will pawn my life for her.

他给我一块表作为担保。He gave me a watch as surety.

我敢担保他的为人。I will swear for his integrity.

现在你在为这个人做担保?You're vouching for this person?

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他的朋友们担保说他为人廉正。His friends swore him to integrity.

第七条担保人不得为经营亏损企业提供对外担保。I can offer my land as a guarantee.

财政担保函样本。Assure the letter sample in finance.


这个软件是没有担保。This software comes with no warrenty.

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我不愿就这样的条件作担保。I'm unwilling to engage on such terms.

带有网站担保支付功能。With website escrowed payment function.

我是否要向银行提供财产担保?Do I have ogive the bank any collateral?

那些到场的人都有担保吗?Have all those present been vouched for?

我可替他作人格担保。I can guarantee you that he is good man.

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没有通关和银行担保。No custom clearance and Bank guarantees.

我们“担保”这些颜料不褪色。We guarantee the fastness of these dyes.

你能担保不会事与愿违吗?Can you guarantee it wouldn't strike back?