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水流湍急。The current is swift.

也许不深,却激烈而湍急Perchance not deep, but intense and rapid

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大部分是鲫鱼,没命地在湍急的流水中撒野。Most of crucian carp, lives in in running water wild.

就成为我心中深深埋藏的一条湍急河流。Becomes rapids rivers which in my heart buries deeply.

就像在水流湍急的水中的一只小船。It was like a canoe going against the rapids in a river.

湍急的涧水哗啦哗啦地淌下山谷。The little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain.

冬雨过后,溪流湍急。After the winter rains, the stream becomes a raging torrent.

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火山、大湖和湍急的河流横亘着全岛。Volcanoes, large lakes, and quickly flowing rivers traverse the land.

中间隔着湍急的河流,行动则是架在川上的桥梁。From the rapids in the rivers, the motion is frame in sichuan's bridge.

婚后,他们一起捕捞鲨鱼,一起在湍急的河水中独木泛舟。After they married, they fished for shark together, canoed on wild rivers.

临江以上的河段水流湍急,到处是瀑布和暗礁。Linjiang over the fast river currents, waterfalls and rocks are everywhere.

地形上几乎大部分是山地,河流湍急,植被稀少。The terrain is mostly mountainous, with fast flowing rivers and few forests.

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教育儿童不要踏入水流湍急的溪流,也不要独自一人游泳。educating children on not entering fast-flowing streams and not swimming alone.

萨米坐在湍急的溪流边闻着香甜的葵花籽。Sammy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting Beside a swift stream.

夏天,孩子和大人一样在湍急的克拉克•福克河市内的支流边用浮标钓鱼。In summer, children and adults alike bob in the rushing Clark Fork in inner tubes.

我们后来是在当地一家小烧烤店吃的午餐,店旁就是湍急的巴拉河。We lunched at a local barbecue joint hard by the banks of the churning Bala River.

田野高处是片高高的树林,低处是条湍急的小河。At the top of our field were more tall trees, and at the bottom was a fast-running stream.

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由于他俩关系稳定,涓涓细流逐渐变成了湍湍急流进而又成了瀑布洪流。As their relationship settles in, the trickle becomes a torrent and the torrent a cataract.

现在,水流湍急,象冰一样冷,淹没了她人膝盖。Now, the water, which was cold as ice and flowed faster than a river , was above her knees.

当船儿横渡于无垠的大海中,海水比岸边的更为湍急了。As the boat makes the crossing, the waters of the open sea are choppier than near the shore.