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抱歉长官,这是例行程序。Sorry sir, it’s procedure.

最终4例行截肢术。At last 4 patients suffered amputation.

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这就是我从周一到周五的例行日程。This is my routine from Monnday to Friday.

我的车已行驶了5000英里,我将把它送去例行检修。I'm taking my car in for its 5000-mile service.

这些矮成本价格的例行短信。These Shorties cost the price of a regular SMS.

中国渔政船开始南海例行巡逻。China starts regular patrols of South China Sea.

他跟另一个地勤人员进行了例行的无限电联络。He routinely radioed another agent on the ground.

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罗布•欧哈干说,打乱你的例行安排是关键所在。Robb O'Hagan says disrupting your routine is key.

然而,戈皮纳特先生将这些视为例行程序。Yet Mr Gopinath regards these processes as routine.

一头短发可以缩短你例行梳洗打理的时间。A simple hairstyle can shorten your grooming routine.

外科医生每两周例行会诊并讨论病例。The surgeon visits to discuss the cases twice a week.

拟定计划将拟定每周和每日打看成为例行老例。Establish a routine of planning your week and your day.

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例行的便笺、发货单和船务文件都归我打。I type routine memos, invoices, and shipping documents.

所有例行的工作或者是粗活大都是由实习生来完成。Most chores and hard work were done by the apprentices.

医院里,值夜班的护士正在例行查房。In hospitals, night nurse are making their usual rounds.

定期状态更新,例行会议和明确后续行动是必不可少的。Regular updates, meetings, and follow-ups are essential.

飞行员跟另一个地勤人员进行了例行的无线电联络。The pilot routinely radioed another agent on the ground.

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监狱生活充沛了一段又一段的例行公务。Prison life consists of routine. after that mort routine.

于是麦迪还在例行的赛前训练。So McGrady went through his now familiar pregame workout.

伦敦的例行表演中登场的那些舞者简直就是群丑跳梁。The dancing was a bit straggly in the " London " routine.