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用麻绳构造一个椒盐卷饼形状。Form a pretzel-like shape with the twine.

可加麻绳机构,包边纸机构。Hemptwist or overedging paper mechanism can be added.

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成品的麻绳应该从两个地方伸出。You should end up with twine emerging from two places.

古代的中国人建造过麻绳悬索桥。The early chinese built suspension bridges of hemp rope.

承受着吊篮的网子是用非常结实的麻绳编的。The net destined to support the car was made of very solid hempen cord.

一根用来悬挂帆布的绳索,由麻绳或带着麻绳尾巴的钢丝做成。A line, made of rope or wire with a rope tail, that is used to hoist a sail.

他能够挣断敌人绑他的麻绳,但不能挣脱情欲的束缚。He could break the fetters of his foes, but not the cords of his own lust"."

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秋崖拾来一看,乃一麻绳,意必缢鬼之物。He picks it up, discovers it is a hanged ghost's reeking rope, and keeps it.

他们从哪里找来麻绳,把瘫子连同整张担架床缒到耶稣面前?Where did they find ropes to help them lower the sick man down in front of Christ?

路的另一边立着一个绞刑架,用麻绳挂在架子上的腐尸正微微的摆动着。On the other side stood a gibbet, a decaying corpse dangling from it by a worn hemp rope.

砖柱子涂剑麻绳,材料是在巴西发现大量。The brick pillars were coated with sisal rope, material which is abundantly found in Brazil.

然后用勺子把这些配料装进鸡的空膛里,再用麻绳把鸡腿和翅膀系好。Spoon the stuffing into the cavity of the chicken, then tie the legs and wings with kitchen twine.

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偶在她离偶较远哒那边身体上做了个记号,并用侩子手哒麻绳把她手脚绑在一起。I titled her body on its side away from me and with butcher's twine, hogtied her feet and hands together.

这样弄好以后,鞋底用粗麻绳密密实实地纳出来,用手都变不动它。After such do well, sole uses thick rope made of hemp close-grained offer emerges, change not to move it with the hand.

易操作、手工、流水线工厂均可适用,主要用于包麻绳、包中底、箱包。Good workability, suitable for hand work and production line. Mainly use in hemp rope covering, insole covering and handbag.

地中海的阳光烘烤着旧帕勒莫粗鲁的阿尔伯赫瑞拉邻近地区,亚麻绳和内衣裤在风中飘荡,就像惊飞的白鸽。Like startled doves, linens and underwear flap in the Mediterranean sun baking old Palermo's rugged Albergheria neighborhood.

我们腰间扎了条麻绳,要把我们叫作劳改队在服苦役,也不会有人怀疑。If a piece of rope had been tied over our wrists, nobody would doubt if we were said to be doing hard labor in a prisoner team.

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其实田尊也只是装死,他暗中正用小刀割裂捆绑他的麻绳,准备伺机逃走。In fact and also just pretend death field, he is secretly with a knife lacerate bound his hemp rope, ready to opportunists escape.

众人瞩目的是一位中国青年,他静静地站着,双眼低垂,胸脯和手臂上捆着一圈圈粗大的麻绳。The FOCUS of attention was a Chinese youth standing silently, eyes lowered, coils of heavy hemp rope bound around his chest and arms.

4米高的天花板由亮黄色覆盖,吊灯的底座由粗麻绳装饰而成。The 4m high ceiling void is painted a bright yellow with a woven rope structure which creates an apparatus for the lights to hang from.