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高高住在云天外。Up up the state so high.

没有大山阻—高薄云天。Never a mountain, rocky and steep.

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鹤展翅飞上云天。The crane soared high into the sky.

骄阳偶尔也会藏入乌云中,碧水云天不再。The sun occasionally hidden in the clouds, blue sky no longer.

没有深水渠汪洋一片,没有大山阻高薄云天。Never a mountain rocky and steep, Never a river turbid and deep.

云天的妈妈对言路逗趣的话产生了强烈地反响。The sky on their books funny word mother has strong repercussions.

轰炸机从俯冲拉起爬高后直冲云天。The bomber palled out of the dive and climbed straight up into the sky.

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面对言路莫不关心的态度,云天的妈妈简直是又恨又气。Facing their books is caring attitude, mother is simply hate again again.

龙云天,又称龙老板,空想公会的创办人和具有者。Constcontra -ne Tin. nosso cnosled Boss Long. Founder and owner of Drefeel.

当我的内心沉陷下去的时候,我的思想却插翅高飞云天外。My thought is flying up high with two wings, while my heart is sinking inside.

我这渺小的汽车的一侧是直插云天的岩石峭壁,另一侧是悬崖上稀薄的空气。On the other side was thin air. I struggled desperately not to look over the edge.

乌云拦东,不下雨也有风。乱云天顶绞,风雨来不小。Dark clouds block east, not rain and wind. The cloud top cutter, to no small storm.

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曾经的忧伤寂寞一转眼就上云天,何必再想何必再说那一个冬天。Once sad lonely in an instant in cloud day, wants to say why again why again that one winter.

当云破月来,千般纠结都将随风弥散在水际云天。When the clouds break months, will offer all kinds of knot wind dispersed in the sea the sky.

这里密集的峰丛耸入云天,山峰上原生性森林密布,山腰云雾缭绕。The dense peaks erect up high, decorated with primeval forests and embraced by clouds and fog.

你说自己想成为一名商业航空公司的飞行员和你能真正驾驶飞机行越云天完全是两码事。It's one thing to say you want to become a commercial airline pilot and another to actually do it.

观高山草甸、天然根雕园、天然盆景园,感受风清云淡、极目云天的无限风光。Look highland meadow, nature root carving garden, feel fresh air and clear sky, and unlimited view.

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福海云天以优质的服务、大众的消费给成功人士提供专属的个人空间。We will provide the high quality service, popular consumption and exclusive individuality space for you.

生活是一部没有尽头的长梯,人的肉眼看不见它的梯级,尘世是它的梯根,云天是它的梯顶。Life is an endless ladder whose step is invisible to naked eyes. This world is its food and the cloud is its top.

我这渺小的汽车的一侧是直插云天的岩石峭壁,另一侧是悬崖上稀薄的空气。On one side of my little car the mountain rose like a gigantic wall of sheer rock. On the other side was thin air.