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自动化省时省力。Automation reduces time and effort.

不要走最省力气的路。Don't follow the way of least resistance.

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锻造锤的发明让他们省力不少。Invention of a forging hammer helped a lot.

阅读书籍要比叙述其内容省力。The book is more easily read than described.

吸尘器是一种健康省力的梳洗工具。Vacuums can a healthy, labor-saving grooming tool.

现有菜刀的刀刃角度较小,切菜时省力。The knife blade angle is small, when cutting labor.

脱蜡篮以培林滚轴进出、省力、轻松。Dewaxing basket moves by rolling axis , power saving.

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省钱、省心、省力,这是我希望的结局。Save money, worry, effort, and I hope this is the end.

让搬运公司的人自动找上门来可以省时省力。Save time and effort by having the movers come to you.

用微波炉烹调,省时省力。Cooking in a microwave oven takes less time and energy.

省力机械会给美国人更多的自由时间。Labor-saving machines will give Americans more free time.

采用双台面推拉工作台操作省力,承印速度快。Adopted push-draw style double working tables print quickly.

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我们应该选择正确的道路,而非省力之途。But we should choose the right path, not just the easy path.

免费送货上门服务,为您省时,省心,省力!Free door-to-door service, for you save time, worry, effort!

省时,省力,减少不必要开支。Time-saving , labour -saving decreases the unnecessary expense.

专业为客人省人、省时、省力、省心、省钱。Professional service, saving money, time and trouble for the guests.

一个省时省力的方法就是,去观察职位相同的其他人的穿着。A shortcut is to observe how others in the same position as you dress.

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槽刀采用锯齿形设计刀片,省力耐用。The blade of groove is designed as sawtooth, saving effort and durable.

其工作速度快、效率高、省时省力、捆扎质量高。Its speed, high efficiency and saves time and effort, tied high quality.

摆动辗压成形是一种新的压力加工工艺,采用该工艺十分省力。Swing and rolling forming is a new press work and labour saving process.