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请珍视在尘世间短暂的存在!Please value oen's temporal existence!

张志豪十分珍视这次的经历。Zhang really cherishes this experience.

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她非常珍视那幅古画。She sets great store by this old picture.

它们同样珍视自己的起源神话。They also cherish a tale of their origin.

你就学会珍视他们是怎样的人,you learn to value them for what they are

她珍视和丈夫相处的每一刻。She treasured every moment with her husband.

鲟鱼因其黑色的鱼卵而受到珍视。Sturgeons are prized for their blackish roe.

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与你珍视的人分享一份圣代。Sharing a sundae with your significant other.

赢得了每一朵鲜花的珍视。From every flower the beauty's prize obtained.

与你珍视的人分享一份圣代。Sharing a sundae with your significant other.

诚实的心灵珍视荣誉胜于珍视财富。An honest soul cherishes honor more than wealth.

她所珍视的一切一下子就被毁灭了。Everything she cherished was swept away overnight.

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所有爱你的人都珍视你的生命。Your life is treasured by the people who love you.

公司是否确定它的客户所珍视的东西?Is the firm certain about what its customers value?

我是否知道科先生读过此文并珍视它?Did I know that Mr. K read and treasured that article?

像你仅有最后一天时间和他们呆在一起那样珍视他么。Cherish them like you only have one last day with them.

我知道,我的涣涣已经知道了珍视自己!I know that I already know the value Huan Huan himself!

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他珍视他们为了留住青春,情谊和记忆所做的努力。He valued their grasps at youth, companionship and memory.

古埃及人将蜂胶珍视为一种防腐剂。The ancient Egyptians prized propolis as an embalming agent.

我们都珍视自己孩子的未来,我们都是人类。We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.